Santo, Santo, Santo: cantos para el pueblo de Dios = Holy, Holy, Holy: songs for the people of God

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
401Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD (Vengan, cantemos con júbilo al SEÑOR)
402Yo me alegré con los que me decían (My heart was glad when I heard sisters saying)[Yo me alegré con los que me decían]
403Te vengo a decir, te vengo a decir, oh buen Salvador (I've come to tell, I've come to tell, O Savior divine)TE VENGO
404No hay un saludo más lindo (There's no more beautiful greeting)[No hay un saludo más lindo]
405Uyai mose, tinamate Mwari (¡Vengan hoy todos, alabemos juntos!)UYAI MOSE
406Hoy celebramos con gozo (Come, celebrate with thanksgiving)CHUQUISACA
407Like the murmur of the dove's song (Cual murmullo de paloma)BRIDEGROOMTextPage Scan
408Espíritu Santo, te necesito (O Holy Spirit, oh, how I need you)[Espíritu Santo te necesito]
409Oh, let the Son of God enfold you (Oh, deja que el Señor te envuelva)SPIRIT SONG
410There's a sweet, sweet Spirit in this place (Hay un dulce Espíritu aquí)MANNA
411As we gather at your table (Al reunirnos a tu mesa)NETTLETONTextPage Scan
412Hoy me levanto muy temprano (I will rise in the early morning)[Hoy me levanto muy temprano]
413Diverse in culture, nation, race (De raza, cuna y nación)TALLIS' CANON
414May our homes be filled with dancing (Llenas nuestro hogar de danza)HEAR OUR PRAISES
415De los cuatro rincones del mundo (From all four of earth's faraway corners)QUINIENTOS AÑOS
416All people that on earth do dwell (Oh pueblos todos alabad)OLD HUNDREDTH
417I love you, Lord, and I lift my voice (Te amo, Rey, y levanto mi voz)I LOVE YOU, LORD
418Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (Alma, alaba al Rey del cielo)LAUDA ANIMA
419Alabad a nuestro Dios en su santuario (Praise the Lord, Give praise within the holy temple)ACAPULCO
420In our lives, Lord, be glorified, be glorified (En mi vida gloria te doy, gloria te doy)BE GLORIFIED
421Bendeciré al Señor en todo tiempo (I will extol my God each waking moment)BENDECIRÉ AL SEÑOR
422Con mis labios y mi vida te alabo (With my lips and with my life I praise you)CON MIS LABIOS
423He is exalted, the King is exalted on high (Rey exaltado en gloria es Cristo Jesús)HE IS EXALTED
424Praise him! praise him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer! (¡Gloria! ¡Gloria¡ a Jesús, Salvador nuestro)JOYFUL SONGTextPage Scan
425Blessed Savior, we adore thee (¡Oh bendito Rey divino!)GLORIOUS NAME
426My Jesus, my Savior, Lord, there is none like you (Mi Cristo, mi Rey,nadie es como tú)SHOUT TO THE LORD
427Father, we love you, we worship, we adore you (Padre, te amamos, te honramos, te adoramos)GLORIFY THY NAME
428Te alabaré, Señor, con todo mi corazón (O Lord, I give you praise, with all of my heart I sing)ECUADOR
429Cantai ao Senhor um cântico novo (Cantad al Señor un cántico nuevo)CANTAI AO SENHOR
430¡Aleluya! ¡Alabado sea el SEÑOR! (Praise the LORD)
431Holy God, we praise your name (Santo, santo Dios de amor)GROSSER GOTT
432Cantemos al Señor (O sing unto the Lord)ROSAS
433Cantaré al Señor con todo mi ser (I will sing to the Lord my whole life long)[I will sing to the Lord my whole life long]
434How can I say thanks for the things you have done for me (¿Cómo agradecer lo que hizo el Señor por mí?)MY TRIBUTE
435Te exaltaré, mi Dios, mi Rey (I will exalt my God, my King)ECUADOR
436In moments like these, I sing out a song (En momentos así levanto mi voz)IN MOMENTS LIKE THESE
437Cantad alegres al Señor (Unto the LORD sing joyful songs)DUKE STREET
438Canto a tu nombre santo es (Glory to your marvelous name I sing)CANTO A TU NOMBRE
439O for a thousand tongues to sing (Mil voces para celebrar)AZMON
440The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning (Ya sale el sol, es un nuevo día)[The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning]
441Eres tú la única razón de mi adoración (Jesus, you are the only one that I magnify)[Eres tú la única razón de mi adoración]
442New songs of celebration render (Nuevas canciones entonamos)RENDEZ À DIEUTextPage Scan
443Bān-bîn ah, lín tiό oló (Let all nations praise the Lord) (Alabemos al Señor)O-LÓ
444Te alabarán, oh Jehová todos los reyes (There's not a king on this earth that will not praise you)[Te alabarán, oh Jehová todos los reyes]
445Alabad al Señor (Praise the Lord, praise the Lord!)ALABAD AL SEÑOR
446Pueblos todos batid las manos (Clap your hands, all you peoples)[Pueblos todos batid las manos]
447Alabad a Jehová porque él es bueno (We will praise you, O God, and sing your goodness)SU MISERICORDIA
448From the ends of the earth (Desde el fondo del mar)LORD, MOST HIGH
449Blessed be your name in the land that is plentiful (Te bendeciré en la tierra que fértil es)[Blessed be your name in the land that is plentiful]
450Holy, holy holy! Lord God Almighty! (¡Santo! ¡Santo¡ ¡Santo¡ Señor omnipotente)NICAEATextPage Scan
451No hay dios tan grande como tú (There's no god as great as you, O Lord)[No hay dios tan grande como tú]
452Santo, santo, santo (Holy, holy, holy)ARGENTINE SANTO
453Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation (¡Alma, bendice al Señor, rey potente de gloria)LOBE DEN HERRENTextPage Scan
454His name is Wonderful, His name is Wonderful (Maravilloso es el nombre de Jesús)MIEIR
455Lord, you are good, and your mercy endureth forever (Señor eres fiel y tu misericordia es eterna)[Lord, you are good, and your mercy endureth forever]
456You are holy, you are whole (Eres santo, eres Dios)DU ÄR HELIG
457Solo tú eres santo, solo tú eres digno (You alone are holy, you alone are worthy)QUERETARO
458The splendor of the King (Brillando el Rey está)HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD
459Great is the Lord and worthy of glory! (Grande es Jehová y digno de gloria)GREAT IS THE LORD
460La única razón de mi adoración (Because of you I raise ev'ry song of praise)[La única razón de mi adoración]
461God is so good (¡Cuán bueno es Dios!)GOD IS SO GOOD
462Te alabaré, oh Señor (I will give thanks to you, Lord)[Te alabaré, oh Señor]
463En la mañana que se levanta (When in the morning, the light is breakingDEMOS GRACIAS
464Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy (Dios de esperanza, de gozo y placer)SLANE
465Morning has broken (Siempre amanece)BUNESSAN
466When morning gilds the skies (Del alba al despuntar)LAUDES DOMINI
467It is good to sing your praises (Bueno es, oh Dios, cantarte)ELLESDIETextPage Scan
468A cada dia nasce de novo o sol (As ev'ry day the sun rises in the sky)[A cada dia nasce de novo o sol]
469From the rising of the sun (Desde el amanecer)RISING SUN
470Praise the LORD (¡Aleluya! ¡Alabado sea el SEÑOR)
471Por la mañana yo dirijo mi alabanza (New ev'ry morning, how my prayer and praise unbounded)POR LA MAÑANA
472Logo de manhã, quero te buscar (At the break of day, Lord, I seek your face)LOGO DE MANHÃ
473Jesus, Jesus, Jesus in the morning (Cristo, Cristo, tanto en la mañana)[Jesus, Jesus, Jesus in the morning]
474Now it is evening (Ya se oscurece)EVENING HYMNText
475Abide with me: fast falls the eventide (Señor Jesús, la luz del sol se fue)EVENTIDETextPage Scan
476Te invitamos, oh Cristo (Come, be among us, O Jesus)[Te invitamos, oh Cristo]
477Night has fallen (Anochece)[Night has fallen]TextPage Scan
478Answer me when I call to you (Responde a mi clamor)
479I lift my hands, I lift my hands (Mis manos, Dios, elevo a ti)[I lift my hands, I lift my hands]
480I call to you, LORD, come quickly to me (A ti clamo, SEÑOR; ven proton a mí)
481All praise to thee, my God this night (De noche, Dios, te rindo honor)TALLIS' CANON
482Alegre luz de la santa gloria (O gladsome light of the holy glory)[Alegre luz de la santa gloria]
483O radiant Light, O Sun divine (Oh Luz de gozo y resplandor)PUER NOBIS
484Gracias por el amor del cielo (Thank you for sending love from heaven)[Gracias por el amor del cielo]
485Now thank we all our God (Den gracias al Señor)NUN DANKET
486De boca y corazón (Lift heart and voice to heav'n)NUN DANKETPage Scan
487Praise and thanksgiving (Te damos gracias)BUNESSAN
488Aramos nuestros campos (We plow the fields and scatter)SAN FERNANDOText
489Give thanks with a grateful heart (Dad gracias de corazón)GIVE THANKS
490Gracias, gracias, Señor (Thank you, thank you, my Lord)[Gracias, gracias, Señor]
491¡Gracias, Señor! (We give you thanks)LOCKWARD
492A ti, o Dios de Sión (Praise awaits you, our God, in Zion)
493Hay momentos (There are times, Lord)HAY MOMENTOS
494Gracias, Señor, aleluya (Thanks be to God, alleluia)[Gracias, Señor, aleluya]
495There is a Redeemer (Hay un Redentor)THERE IS A REDEEMER
496Thank you, Lord (Gracias, Dios)[Thank you, Lord]
497I will praise you, LORD (SEÑOR, quiero albarte)
498Corre el viento esta gran ciudad (Wind and cold roar through the city street)PERDÓN SEÑOR
499Señor, ¿quién entrará en tu santuario para adorar? (O Lord, who enters in your holy place to worship you?)[Señor, ¿quién entrará en tu santuario para adorar?]TextPage Scan
500Just as I am, without one plea (Tal como soy de pecador)WOODWORTHTextPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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