Sentimental Songs: for radio and general use

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00O give me a home where the buffalo roam[O give me a home where the buffalo roam]
1-aWe're floating down the stream of time[We're floating down the stream of time]Page Scan
1I have known a life of sorrow[I have known a life of sorrow]
2When I see Jesus coming on that glad day[When I see Jesus coming on that glad day]
3My heart was made sad, such sorrow I had[My heart was made sad, such sorrow I had]
4Christ is coming back from glory on some morning fair[Christ is coming back from glory on some morning fair]
5The Savior came from heav'n above[The Savior came from heav'n above]
6Round the old fam'ly organ at close of the day[Round the old fam'ly organ at close of the day]
7When you are lonely, clouds hide the blue[When you are lonely, clouds hide the blue]
8When we enter our home o'er the dark, rolling foam[When we enter our home o'er the dark, rolling foam]
9Oft we see the dark clouds gather[Oft we see the dark clouds gather]
10This world is not my home, I'm just a passing thru[This world is not my home, I'm just a passing thru]
11A mocking bird was singing as we stood beside a grave[A mocking bird was singing as we stood beside a grave]
12Many years I've traveled on this weary road[Many years I've traveled on this weary road]
13There's a song in my soul that no tongue can express[There's a song in my soul that no tongue can express]
14Jesus Savior[Jesus Savior]
15Once I left my Father's home, in a foreign land to roam[Once I left my Father's home, in a foreign land to roam]
16Whether skies are dark or bright, if I walk in all the light[Whether skies are dark or bright, if I walk in all the light]
17When we leave this old world, if there's no hereafter[When we leave this old world, if there's no hereafter]
18Along life's rugged pathway, I have a friend so true[Along life's rugged pathway, I have a friend so true]
19There's a little church that stands on a hillside[There's a little church that stands on a hillside]
20Here on earth life is but a dark valley[Here on earth life is but a dark valley]
21On a hill outside the gate, rugged Calvary[On a hill outside the gate, rugged Calvary]
22O the years long have flown since from childhood I've grown[O the years long have flown since from childhood I've grown]
23Each day I feel a friendly hand[Each day I feel a friendly hand]
24Some men are seeking for their salvation[Some men are seeking for their salvation]
25O give us flowers so sweet and gay[O give us flowers so sweet and gay]
26I've left the valley of sin, there's joy and gladness within[I've left the valley of sin, there's joy and gladness within]
27When this cruel war is over[When this cruel war is over]
28Ev'rybody it seems has a cabin of dreams[Ev'rybody it seems has a cabin of dreams]
29My dear mother sang to me, sacred words and melody[My dear mother sang to me, sacred words and melody]
30There's a rocking chair that's empty in that cabin on the hill[There's a rocking chair that's empty in that cabin on the hill]
31There is no name on earth so sweet to me[There is no name on earth so sweet to me]
32O what a happy day when Jesus came my way[O what a happy day when Jesus came my way]
33Mother's gone to be with the dear Savior[Mother's gone to be with the dear Savior]
34I am thinking tonight of the lands far away[I am thinking tonight of the lands far away]
35Blue heaven, blue heaven[Blue heaven, blue heaven]
36Long and hard may be the battle I am fighting day by day[Long and hard may be the battle I am fighting day by day]
37Sometimes the skies o'erhead are gray[Sometimes the skies o'erhead are gray]
38It's mother's pray'r that guided me[It's mother's pray'r that guided me]
39O dear mothers, don't weep for your boys so far away[O dear mothers, don't weep for your boys so far away]
40Ev'ry passing day all along the way[Ev'ry passing day all along the way]
41Some morning I shall enter heaven above[Some morning I shall enter heaven above]
42We are told that God's singers will gather by the river[We are told that God's singers will gather by the river]
43Sometimes my faith is almost gone[Sometimes my faith is almost gone]
44If you travel sin's uncertain way[If you travel sin's uncertain way]
45Jesus, the Savior, is coming again[Jesus, the Savior, is coming again]
46Jesus leads me ever onward to unending day[Jesus leads me ever onward to unending day]
47Thank God for the beautiful sunshine[Thank God for the beautiful sunshine]
48Only a homeless wand'rer[Only a homeless wand'rer]
49Beautiful Bible, book of the ages[Beautiful Bible, book of the ages]
50Dreaming, I oft see the old home place, memories sweet nothing can erase[Dreaming, I oft see the old home place, memories sweet nothing can erase]
51Do you suppose that I could please the Savior[Do you suppose that I could please the Savior]
52Here I have no mother to love me, nor to call my own[Here I have no mother to love me, nor to call my own]
53Tell me not this life is all[Tell me not this life is all]
54This old world is steeped in sin[This old world is steeped in sin]
55Precious mem'ries of my mother[Precious mem'ries of my mother]
56Just at the close of the Mosaic age[Just at the close of the Mosaic age]
57I will shout the praise of Jesus[I will shout the praise of Jesus]
58When shall come the time for me to go[When shall come the time for me to go]
59Well, now, who is the Lord?[Well, now, who is the Lord?]
60Since the blessed Savior came into this world of sin and shame[Since the blessed Savior came into this world of sin and shame]
61Dear ones we love, lost for awhile[Dear ones we love, lost for awhile]
62I'm sailing high above the dark and stormy sea[I'm sailing high above the dark and stormy sea]
63Nearer, my God, to Thee, I pray[Nearer, my God, to Thee, I pray]
64I often sing for those I love[I often sing for those I love]
65Friendly flames along our pathway[Friendly flames along our pathway]
66Jesus paid the cost for all the lost[Jesus paid the cost for all the lost]
67Somewhere there is a land where dreams come true[Somewhere there is a land where dreams come true]
68I am so happy in Jesus[I am so happy in Jesus]
69As thru life's journey I press along[As thru life's journey I press along]
70When I come to cross that lonesome valley[When I come to cross that lonesome valley]
71I need Thee ev'ry hour[I need Thee ev'ry hour]
72When Christ was here on earth, He taught us much of love[When Christ was here on earth, He taught us much of love]
73When we come to the end of our journey[When we come to the end of our journey]
74We've been waiting for the happy day when all our boys return[We've been waiting for the happy day when all our boys return]
75There are two kinds of people on earth today[There are two kinds of people on earth today]
76When Jesus our Savior came down from above[When Jesus our Savior came down from above]
77When in sin I blindly wandered[When in sin I blindly wandered]
78At twilight dreaming, the love light gleaming[At twilight dreaming, the love light gleaming]
79Almighty Father, Holy Thy name[Almighty Father, Holy Thy name]
80Over the world a light is shining with a radiance so bright[Over the world a light is shining with a radiance so bright]
81He knows the bitter, weary way[He knows the bitter, weary way]
82I'm happy to tell the story of Jesus, who came from glory[I'm happy to tell the story of Jesus, who came from glory]
83There are angels hov'ring round[There are angels hov'ring round]
84What a happy time some glad tomorrow when we lay these heavy burdens down[What a happy time some glad tomorrow when we lay these heavy burdens down]
85My country, 'tis of thee[My country, 'tis of thee]
86Keep your eye upon the Savior[Keep your eye upon the Savior]
87How I love my Savior and King[How I love my Savior and King]
88Last night as the moon pulled anchor[Last night as the moon pulled anchor]
89Outside the gate, on Calv'ry's will[Outside the gate, on Calv'ry's will]
90Today we have men discontented[Today we have men discontented]
91Amazing grace, how sweet the sound[Amazing grace, how sweet the sound]
92When the clouds hang low and heavy, as they float above your head[When the clouds hang low and heavy, as they float above your head]
93Dreaming, dreaming silently[Dreaming, dreaming silently]
94I once did roam the valley of sin[I once did roam the valley of sin]
95What could I do without Jesus[What could I do without Jesus]
96When twilight shadows fall and heav'nly breezes fan my brow[When twilight shadows fall and heav'nly breezes fan my brow]
97I love my Savior more each day[I love my Savior more each day]
98I am thinking of my Savior[I am thinking of my Savior]

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