The Southern Psalmist

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d901Weary wanderer, sad and broken
d902Weeping sinner [sinners], dry your tears
d903Welcome, delightful morn, Thou [Sweet] day of sacred rest
d904Welcome, O Savior, to my heart
d905Welcome, sweet day of rest
d906We're traveling home to heaven above
d907We've no abiding city here
d908What cheering words are these
d909What equal honors shall we bring
d910What heavenly music do I [we] hear
d911What is life, 'tis but [all] a vapor
d912What is our God or [and] what his name
d913What lovely band is this I see
d914What shall I render to my God for all his kindness shown
d915What shall the dying sinner do
d916What think ye [you] of Christ, is the test
d917What though no buds [flowers] the fig tree bear [clothe]
d918What various hindrances we meet
d919What wondrous love is this, O my soul
d920What's this that steals, that steals upon my frame
d921When all thy [your] mercies, O my [our] God [gracious Lord]
d922When any turn from Zion's way
d923When at a [this] distance, Lord, we trace
d924When first the God of boundless grace
d925When gloomy thoughts and fears
d926When God of old came down from heaven
d927When God revealed his gracious name
d928When gracious Lord, when shall it be
d929When human hopes all wither
d930When I can read my title clear
d931When I survey the wondrous cross
d932When I the holy [empty] [lonely] [vanquished] grave [tomb] survey
d933When in the light of faith divine
d934When Jesus shall descend the skies
d935When languor and disease invade
d936When marshalled on the nightly [mighty] plain
d937When on the cross my Lord I see
d938When on the cross my Savior died
d939When overwhelmed with grief
d940When shall the voice of singing flow
d941When shall thy lovely face be seen
d942When shall we meet again, Meet ne'er [more] to sever
d943When shall we three meet again
d944When sickness shakes the [languid] frame
d945When sins and fears prevailing rise
d946When struggling on the bed of pain
d947When the harvest is past and the summer is o'er
d948When the worn spirit wants repose
d949When thy mortal life is fled
d950When waves of trouble [sorrow] round me swell
d951Whence do our mournful thoughts arise
d952Where can we hide, or whither fly
d953Where two or three, with sweet accord
d954Where'er we meet, you always say
d955While in this sacred rite of thine
d956While life prolongs its precious light
d957While on the verge of life I stand
d958While thee I [we] seek, protecting power
d959While with ceaseless [careless] course the sun
d960Who are these [those] in bright [fair] array
d961Who can forbear to sing
d962Why do we [ye] [you] mourn departing [departed] [for dying] friends
d963Why is my heart so far from thee
d964Why should our tears in sorrow flow
d965Why should the children of a King
d966Why should we start and fear to die
d967Why will ye [you] waste on trifling cares
d968With guilt oppressed, bowed down with sin
d969With heavenly power, O Lord, defend
d970With joy we meditate the [thy] grace
d971With sacred joy we lift our eyes
d972With tearful eyes I look around
d973With tears of anguish I lament
d974Within thy house, O Lord, our God
d975Would you win a soul to God
d976Ye angels, who stand round the throne
d977Ye Christian heroes [heralds], go proclaim
d978Ye glittering toys of earth, adieu
d979Ye humble souls that [who] seek the Lord
d980Ye messengers of Christ [God]
d981Ye sons of men, who long have sought The meaning of the word baptize
d982Ye trembling souls, dismiss your fears
d983Ye wretched, hungry, starving poor Behold a royal feast
d984Yes, my native land, I love thee
d985Yes, the Redeemer rose [lives]; The Savior left the dead
d986Yes, we trust the day is breaking
d987Yield to me now, for I am weak
d988Yonder amazing sight I [we] see
d989Your harps, ye [you] trembling [mourning] [tearful], saints
d990Zion, awake, thy strength renew
d991Zion [Sion] stands by [with] hills surrounded
d992Zion's King shall reign victorious

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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