Redeeming Grace: A Book of Gospel Songs suitable for any Occasion. Where Gospel Songs are Needed

Publisher: The Hartford Music Co., Hartford, Ark., 1942
Language: English
Notes: Publication date is not printed in the book, but 1942 is based on the hymns copyright years
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
100Praise God for His goodness[Praise God for His goodness]
101Dreaming of that old-time cabin[Dreaming of that old-time cabin]
102I've found the way of life eternal, and I sing as on I go[I've found the way of life eternal, and I sing as on I go]
103All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name![All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!]
104I will sing for Jesus, who has made me whole[I will sing for Jesus, who has made me whole]
105When I view the flowing fountain[When I view the flowing fountain]
106If you are riding on the railroad to the regions of despair[If you are riding on the railroad to the regions of despair]
107Hide m, O my Savior, hide me[Hide m, O my Savior, hide me]
108While I was out walking one day all alone[While I was out walking one day all alone]
109There is a happy home somewhere[There is a happy home somewhere]
110I've found a friend in Jesus[I've found a friend in Jesus]
111If I should be living when Jesus comes[If I should be living when Jesus comes]
112I've found everlasting glory, I've turned from the ways of wrong[I've found everlasting glory, I've turned from the ways of wrong]
113Come listen to my story now I gladly tell[Come listen to my story now I gladly tell]
114You may live as a sinner, you may be untrue[You may live as a sinner, you may be untrue]
115I want to lie down, and dream[I want to lie down, and dream]
116In this world we have our troubles and temptations[In this world we have our troubles and temptations]
117We all must stand before the judge[We all must stand before the judge]
118I've read about a country, beyond the mystic tide[I've read about a country, beyond the mystic tide]
119Lord hear my humble petition[Lord hear my humble petition]
120The Lord's my keeper, whom shall I fear[The Lord's my keeper, whom shall I fear]
121I am longing to go, to that city I know[I am longing to go, to that city I know]
122I would rather be a Christian[I would rather be a Christian]
123To that land of fair Eden we're going[To that land of fair Eden we're going]
124I am poor, unworthy, and a stranger[I am poor, unworthy, and a stranger]
125Jesus, keep me near the cross![Jesus, keep me near the cross!]
126There's a day of judgment just ahead[There's a day of judgment just ahead]
127Over in yonder bright land of promise[Over in yonder bright land of promise]
128When troubles and cares press down on us here[When troubles and cares press down on us here]
129Jesus made the sunshine bright[Jesus made the sunshine bright]
130In the time of deepest trouble[In the time of deepest trouble]
131We praise Thee, O God, for the Son of Thy love[We praise Thee, O God, for the Son of Thy love]
132Millions are drifting in paths of sin[Millions are drifting in paths of sin]
133Rock of Ages, cleft for meTOPLADY
134Have faith in God, lean on His arm, to guide you ev'ry hour[Have faith in God, lean on His arm, to guide you ev'ry hour]
135Praise God, from Whom all blessings flowOLD HUNDRED
136Great is the Love of Jesus, praise His sweet name[Great is the Love of Jesus, praise His sweet name]
137Lift up your voice to heav'n above[Lift up your voice to heav'n above]
138There's a day of judgment coming and it won't be long[There's a day of judgment coming and it won't be long]
139Jesus, dear Jesus, how we love Thy name[Jesus, dear Jesus, how we love Thy name]
140Drifting away from the sheltering harbor[Drifting away from the sheltering harbor]

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