Praise Hymnal

Editor: Taylor, Robert J., Jr.
Publisher: Taylor Publications LLC, Montgomery, Texas, 2020
Denomination: Churches of Christ
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
294Wonderful love, wonderful love
295Holy Spirit dwell in me
296One day when heaven was filled with His praises
297Does He still feel the nails ev'ry time I fail?
298The God of the heavens
299At the name of Jesus ev'ry knee shall bow
300Even though I walk through the valley
301Hide me now under Your wings
302In the heart of me there's a mystery
303Oh how good it is when the family of God
304Hosanna You're my King!
305My hope is built on nothing less
306I will extol the Lord at all times
307Celebrate Jesus, celebrate!
308Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts
309Just as I am without one plea
310I am not skilled to understand
311I've got my head in heaven and my feet on the earth
312Come let us sing for joy to the Lord
313Holy, holy, holy
314I have seen You walk down a dusty road
315Breath of Heaven, hold me together
316You, O Lord, are my refuge
317Great and mighty is He
318By faith we see the hand of God
319There is only one God
320You hear me when I call
321Lord of all creation
322Jesus, Friend of sinners
323My worth is not in what I own
324Oh, Lord, You've searched me
325How can it be the One who died
326When I stand before Your throne
327You call me out upon the waters
328Come set Your rule
329Holy Spirit, living Breath of God
330Let us worship the Father
331God, my God, I cry out
332God is an awesome God
333Before the world was made
334"I am the Way." "I am the Truth."
335Let the glory of the Lord rise among us
336Hallelujah, praise our God
337Precious cornerstone, sure foundation
338You were despises, You were rejected, Lord
339By faith I can see
340Let us be faithful, faithful, faithful, Lord
341Be strong in the Lord!
342In need of grace
343I will seek my peace in Thee, O Lord, I will
344Amazing grave shall always be my song of praise
345Known before the world
346Joy has dawned upon the world
347The Lord is my light and my salvation
348I am forever grateful, I am forever blessed
349The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want
350Who has held the oceans in His hands?
351Go ahead, drive the nails in My hands
352Lift up your heads to the coming King
353The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof
354Come, ye sinners, lost and lonely
355As the clouds round you gather
356Jesus draw me, ever nearer
357Thou, O Lord, art a shield about me
358In times like these you need a Savior
359Praise God from whom all blessings flow
360Happiness is to know the Savior
361Who's that walkin' down the road
362I walked alone in sorrow and shame
363We will worship the Lamb of Glory!
364Praise God, from whom all blessings flow
365You're the Word of God the Father
366Purify my heart; Touch me with Your cleansing fire
367See, what a morning, gloriously bright
368I have a passion for my God
369Lay your burden down, ev'ry care you carry
370Salvation belongs to our God
371Come ye sinners poor and needy
372There is a higher throne
373Praise ye the Lord, Jehovah is His name
374Are you thirsty? Are you empty!
375Our day of praise is done
376When the valley seems so dark and deep
377All night, all day, Angels watchin' over me, my Lord!
378Said I wasn't gonna tell anybody
379A thousand times I've failed
380He's the Awesome One, my El-Elyon
381Praise God from whom all blessings flow
382I have found here love and mercy
383I then shall live as one who's been forgiven
384Out of the depths I cry to You
385Hear, O Lord, and answer
386I need You more, more than yesterday
387I want to know Christ and the pow'r of His rising
388Magnify, O magnify@
389Merciful God, Oh, abounding in love
390Give us a heart for the hopeless
391Our hearts are invited to sing
392Unto us a Son is given
393Simply trusting ev'ry day

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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