Old School Sonnets, or a Selection of Choice Hymns

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d301When Jesus claims the sinner's heart
d302When Jesus' gracious hand
d303When Jesus with his mighty [matchless] love
d304When Jesus would his grace proclaim
d305When legal hope my mind possessed
d306When mercy's building to complete
d307When Noah with his favored few
d308When our first head and natural root
d309When overwhelmed with doubts and fear
d310When saint to saint, in days of old their sorrows sins and
d311When shades dark and mountains high
d312When shall thy lovely face be seen
d313When Sodom's sin and awful cry
d314When the poor prisoner through a grate Sees others walk at large
d315When to his father's fond embrace The prodigal returned
d316When Zion's sons, Great God, appear
d317Where must a sinner fly
d318Where must a weary sinner go
d319Where, sinner, canst thou flee
d320Whereas I struggled hard by prayer
d321While in the vale of vision, dead
d322Who are they in bright apparel
d323Who, but the soul that's led to know
d324Who can the distant period trace
d325Who is this lovely person, who
d326Why, O my soul, art thou dismayed
d327Why, thus cast down, my soul
d328Wide is the gate of death
d329With Christ in God your life is hid
d330With David's Lord, and ours A covenant was made
d331With grief I feel a treacherous heart
d332Without dispute, 'twixt bond or free
d333Would you distinctly know the sound
d334Ye daughters of Zion arise
d335Ye ransomed sons of Adam's race
d336Ye slaves of sin, redeemed by blood Salvation's theme pursue
d337Ye sons of mirth, and sons of pride
d338Ye wretched, hungry, starving poor Behold a royal feast
d339You must not think the questions odd
d340Zion's a city fair God hath blessed [blest]

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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