Our Favorite Hymnal

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d301There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel's vein [veins]
d302There is a happy land, Far, [not] far away
d303There is a home eternal, beautiful and bright
d304There is a land, a happy land, Where tears are wiped away
d305There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign
d306There is a name I love to hear, I love to sing [speak] its worth
d307There is a spot to [for] me more dear
d308There is a story ever new, I'll tell it o'er and o'er
d309There is an hour of peaceful rest
d310There is an unseen hand to me
d311There was [is] one who was willing to die in my stead
d312There were ninety and nine that [who] safely lay
d313There's a beautiful land far beyond the sky
d314There's a church in the valley by the wildwood
d315There's a land beyond the river, that we call the sweet forever
d316There's a land mid the stars, we are told
d317There's a land that is fairer [brighter] than day
d318There's a region above, free from sin and temptation
d319There's light in the valley of shadows
d320They are gathering, slowly gathering
d321They tell me the story of travel
d322Thou, Lord, hast ever been my guide
d323Thou my everlasting portion
d324Thus far the Lord hath [has] led me on
d325Thy mercy, my God, is the theme of my song
d326Thy presence, gracious God, afford
d327Thy way, O God [Lord] is in the sea
d328Time is winging us away
d329'Tis a point I long to know
d330'Tis a sweet and glorious thought that comes
d331'Tis religion that can give sweetest pleasures
d332'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take him
d333'Tis the blessed hour of prayer, when our hearts lowly bend
d334'Tis the gospel's joyful tidings
d335To God the only wise, our Savior and our King
d336To heaven I lift my waiting eyes
d337To thee, my Shepherd [Savior] and my Lord [Lamb]
d338To thy temple we repair
d339'Twas on that [a] dark, that [and] doleful [awful] [dreary] night [day]
d340'Twas on the cross of Calvary's mountain
d341'Twas with an everlasting love
d342Up to the bountiful [beautiful] Giver of life
d343Wait, my soul [heart] upon the Lord
d344Walk beside me, O my Savior
d345Watchman, tell us of the night
d346We are going down the valley
d347We are nearing that bright mansion
d348We read of a place that's called heaven
d349We read of a place where ransomed ones dwell
d350We shall reach the river side
d351We speak of the realms of the blest
d352What a fellowship, what a joy divine
d353What a friend we have in Jesus
d354What shall I render to my God for all his kindness shown
d355What wondrous love is this, O my soul
d356When all thy [your] mercies, O my [our] God [gracious Lord]
d357When I can read my title clear
d358When I survey the wondrous cross
d359When mother prayed! O precious hour
d360When overwhelmed with doubts and fear
d361When peace, like a river, attendeth my way
d362When shall we meet again, Meet ne'er [more] to sever
d363When the mists have [mist has] rolled in splendor
d364When the storm in its fury on Galilee fell And lifted
d365When we get home to that beautiful land
d366When with the Savior we enter the glory land
d367Why should mortals doubt and fear
d368Why should the children of a King
d369With friends on earth we meet in [with] gladness
d370With reverence let the [should thy] saints appear
d371Wonderful story of love; tell it to me again
d372Ye humble souls, approach your God
d373Ye little flock, whom Jesus feeds
d374Ye pilgrims of Zion, and chosen of God
d375Ye ransomed sinners, hear
d376Ye wretched, hungry, starving poor Behold a royal feast
d377Ye [You] servants of God [Christ] your Master proclaim
d378You may sing of the beauty [beauties] of mountain and dale

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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