A New Collection of the Most Approved Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Mostly Original, for the Use of Christians of All Denominations

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d1Alas how I have spent my time
d2And must I be to judgment brought
d3Behold a man three score and ten
d4Behold the wretch whose lust and wine
d5Beside the gospel pool Appointed for the poor
d6Christ's own soft hands shall wipe the tears
d7Come, all ye [you] mourning pilgrims [sinners] round [now]
d8Come all ye [you] weary travellers
d9Come, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne
d10Embarked upon a stormy sea
d11Good morning, brother pilgrim, What, marching [traveling] to Zion
d12Hark, from the tomb [tombs] a doleful [warning] [mournful] sound
d13Hark, my soul, it is the Lord
d14Ho, everyone that thirsts, draw nigh
d15How sad was my condition till Jesus made me whole
d16I want a principle within
d17Jesus, the Savior of my soul
d18O all that pass by, to Jesus draw near
d19O glorious hope of perfect [heavenly] love
d20O God, my heart with love inflame
d21O how I have longed for the coming [presence] of God [the Lord]
d22Often I seek my Lord by night
d23On Jordan's stormy [rugged] banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye
d24Our souls by [in] love together knit [drawn] [joined]
d25Prayer is [was] appointed to convey
d26Remote from the town, while the vigilant train
d27Stand the omnipotent decree
d28That glorious day is drawing nigh
d29The crowd, the poor unthinking crowd
d30There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign
d31Thou Shepherd of Isr'l, and mine [divine]
d32Throughout the Savior's life we [I'll] trace
d33Vain man [men], thy [your] fond pursuits forbear
d34What various hindrances we meet
d35When I can read my title clear
d36When languor and disease invade
d37When pity prompts me to look round [around] [down] upon my [this] fellow clay
d38Ye [You] people [that's] who have oft been invited to come
d39Young people, all, attention give
[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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