A New and Beautiful Collection of Select Hymns and Spiritual Songs

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d201Loud let the tuneful trumpet sound
d202Methinks I hear my Savior call, His pleasant voice
d203Mighty God, on thee I call
d204Mortals, awake, with angels join
d205Mount Zion is my home
d206My Captain sounds the alarm of war
d207My days, my [and] weeks, my [and] months, my [and] years
d208My friends, what thousands I behold
d209My God a God of pardon is
d210My God I am thine, what a comfort [pleasure] divine
d211My God, my heart with love inflame
d212My God, my life, my love, to thee, to thee I call
d213My harp untuned, and laid aside
d214My Jesus, he is all to me
d215My soul reviews the happy day
d216My soul, with joy attend, Hark, I hear
d217My thoughts, that oft ascend [often mount] the skies
d218My years like shadows flee
d219No, 'tis in vain to seek for bliss
d220Now begin the heavenly theme
d221Now I'll bless the Holy Spirit
d222Now in a song of grateful praise [love]
d223Now is the time, O lovely youth
d224Now let my faith grow strong and rise
d225Now let our souls, on wings sublime
d226Now the Savior stands [standeth] [standing] a-pleading [and pleading]
d227Now the shades of night are gone
d228Now, while Jesus stands inviting
d229O all loving Lamb, a sinner I am
d230O am I born to die
d231O could I find a [an] humble place
d232O could I find from day to day
d233O cutting doubts, when shall I know
d234O, for a [an] heart to praise [love] my God
d235O for a closer walk with God
d236O for a glance of heavenly day
d237O for a thousand tongues to sing my great [dear] Redeemer's praise
d238O happy, happy we, At such a feast as this
d239O happy souls, how fast you go, and leave me here behind
d240O joyful sound of gospel grace
d241O love divine, how sweet [good] thou art
d242O love divine, what hast thou done
d243O my soul, what means this sadness
d244O sight of anguish, view it near
d245O sinners, fly to Jesus' arms
d246O tell me no more of this [the] world's vain [vain world's] store
d247O that I had an angel's tongue
d248O that I knew it was [were] the case
d249O that my load of sin were [was] gone
d250O that our flinty hearts would melt
d251O the immense, the amazing height
d252O 'twas a mournful parting day
d253O what a blessing I have found
d254O what a cruel wretch am I to leave my Jesus so
d255O what a joy I've found
d256O ye that seek for happiness
d257Of all the joys we mortals [which creatures] know
d258Oft as the bell, with solemn toll, Speaks the departure of a soul
d259Oft have I sat in secret sighs
d260On Jordan's stormy [rugged] banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye
d261Once as the Savior passed along
d262Once I presumed I ne'er should see
d263Once more we'll join before we part
d264Our Father, whose eternal sway
d265Poor, weak, and wounded though I am
d266Praise, O my soul, redeeming love
d267Prayer is [was] appointed to convey
d268Raise thoughtless sinner raise thine eye
d269Rejoice, the Lord is King, Your God [Lord] and King adore
d270Remember, robust youth, you must die
d271Repent, the voice celestial cries
d272Repent, ye never dying souls
d273Rise my soul, and sing and tell
d274Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings
d275Salvation, O the joyful sound
d276Savior, I do feel Thy merit, sprinkled with redeeming blood
d277Savior, visit Thy [our] plantation, grant us Lord, a gracious rain
d278Say, faith, who bleeds on yonder tree
d279See mercy, mercy from on high
d280See, the eternal Judge descending
d281Shall I for fear of feeble man
d282Shepherds, rejoice, lift up your eyes
d283Show me, O God, how stands the case
d284Show pity Lord, O Lord, forgive
d285Sinner [sinners], the voice of God regard
d286Sinners, arise, the Savior's come
d287Sinners, now make no delaying
d288Sinners, obey the gospel word
d289Stand fast, ye brethren, on the rock
d290Still out of the deepest abyss
d291Strange that a soul that ever knew The blest Redeemer's love
d292Sweet is the work, my [O] [our] God, [and] [my] [our] King
d293Sweet was the time when first I felt
d294Teach me the measure of my days
d295That doleful [dreadful] night before his death
d296The day is past and gone, the evening shades appear
d297The fields, they are white, and the harvest is near
d298The great God of love, hath shown us the way
d299The king of heaven a feast has made
d300The Lord my Shepherd is, I shall be well supplied

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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