Light and Life Songs: adapted especially to sunday schools, prayer meetings and other social services

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness[Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness]Page Scan
2I'm pressing on the upward way[I'm pressing on the upward way]Page Scan
3Blessed is the service of our Lord and king[Blessed is the service of our Lord and king]Page Scan
4Is there anyone can help us, one who understands our hearts[Is there anyone can help us, one who understands our hearts]Page Scan
5Blessings, sweet blessings are falling today[Blessings, sweet blessings are falling today]Page Scan
6There is light among shadows and peace amid strife[There is light among shadows and peace amid strife]Page Scan
7A little while, oh hands[A little while, oh hands]TextPage ScanAudio
8There's a promise given by the Heav'nly King[There's a promise given by the Heav'nly King]TextPage ScanAudio
9When my life work is ended, and I cross the swelling tide[When my life work is ended, and I cross the swelling tide]Page Scan
10Scatter smiles and sunshine[Scatter smiles and sunshine]Page Scan
11Jesus, hear me when I pray[Jesus, hear me when I pray]Page Scan
12Make me a blessing, dear Savior, I pray[Make me a blessing, dear Savior, I pray]TextPage ScanAudio
13Have you heard the Savior calling[Have you heard the Savior calling]TextPage ScanAudio
14There are gloomy paths along the way[There are gloomy paths along the way]Page Scan
15Great is the King, and greatly to be praised[Great is the King, and greatly to be praised]TextPage ScanAudio
16Are you heavy-laden and with sorrow tried[Are you heavy-laden and with sorrow tried]Page Scan
17Carry the joyful tidings[Carry the joyful tidings]TextPage ScanAudio
18Lo! the golden fields are smiling[Lo! the golden fields are smiling]Page Scan
19For God so loved this sinful world[For God so loved this sinful world]Page Scan
20Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling[Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling]Page Scan
21Oh, Jesus Christ thou dying Lamb[Oh, Jesus Christ thou dying Lamb]TextPage ScanAudio
22I am glad I found the Savior, for He makes my heart rejoice[I am glad I found the Savior, for He makes my heart rejoice]Page Scan
23I am thinking today of that beautiful land[I am thinking today of that beautiful land]Page Scan
24Christ within, the hope of glory[Christ within, the hope of glory]TextPage ScanAudio
25In Christ is full redemption found[In Christ is full redemption found]Page Scan
26Walking with the Savior[Walking with the Savior]Page Scan
27Come and bear witness, Christian[Come and bear witness, Christian]TextPage ScanAudio
28I heard my loving Savior say[I heard my loving Savior say]Page Scan
29When the tempests rage and the storms beat high[When the tempests rage and the storms beat high]Page Scan
30Jesus comes with power to gladden[Jesus comes with power to gladden]Page Scan
31I had wander'd far from my Father's house[I had wander'd far from my Father's house]TextPage ScanAudio
32You've a friend who's interceding[You've a friend who's interceding]Page Scan
33As I journey onward Jesus is my Friend[As I journey onward Jesus is my Friend]Page Scan
34Courage, brother, do not stumble[Courage, brother, do not stumble]TextPage ScanAudio
35O sing to the Savior, loud anthems employ[O sing to the Savior, loud anthems employ]Page Scan
36Oh, tell of His goodness today[Oh, tell of His goodness today]Page Scan
37Happy are the people whose trust is in the Lord[Happy are the people whose trust is in the Lord]Page Scan
38Redeem'd, how I love to proclaim it[Redeem'd, how I love to proclaim it]Page Scan
39Let us tarry for the pow'r as Christ commanded[Let us tarry for the pow'r as Christ commanded]TextPage ScanAudio
40Saved to the uttermost: I am the Lord's[Saved to the uttermost: I am the Lord's]Page Scan
41On the throne everlasting my Father is King[On the throne everlasting my Father is King]Page Scan
42Wait not, the conflict is raging today[Wait not, the conflict is raging today]Page Scan
43Oh, march, march away, the bugle now is calling[Oh, march, march away, the bugle now is calling]Page Scan
44Have you found this great salvation[Have you found this great salvation]TextPage ScanAudio
45O the blessed bible, what a treasure[O the blessed bible, what a treasure]Page Scan
46Hearken today to the blest invitation[Hearken today to the blest invitation]Page Scan
47We are only little givers[We are only little givers]TextPage ScanAudio
48There's a sound within the land[There's a sound within the land]Page Scan
49I can hear my Savior calling[I can hear my Savior calling]Page Scan
50Take a stand for Jesus[Take a stand for Jesus]TextPage ScanAudio
51Truth, crush'd to earth, shall rise again[Truth, crush'd to earth, shall rise again]TextPage ScanAudio
52Have you heard the blessed story[Have you heard the blessed story]TextPage ScanAudio
53Breathe on us, O Holy Spirit[Breathe on us, O Holy Spirit]TextPage ScanAudio
54My soul today is thirsting for living streams divine[My soul today is thirsting for living streams divine]Page Scan
55All to Jesus, I surrender[All to Jesus, I surrender]Page Scan
56Ye who are weary, broken in spirit[Ye who are weary, broken in spirit]TextPage ScanAudio
57How dear to my heart is the story of old[How dear to my heart is the story of old]Page Scan
58Twas on the cross of Calvary[Twas on the cross of Calvary]TextPage ScanAudio
59Alone with Jesus—blessed tho't[Alone with Jesus—blessed tho't]TextPage ScanAudio
60Jesus gently pleads today[Jesus gently pleads today]TextPage ScanAudio
61My yielded heart says "yes" to Jesus[My yielded heart says "yes" to Jesus]Page Scan
62Would you be free from your burden of sin[Would you be free from your burden of sin]Page Scan
63Watch and pray that when the Master cometh[Watch and pray that when the Master cometh]Page Scan
64My stubborn will at last hath yielded[My stubborn will at last hath yielded]Page Scan
65My feet often times grow weary[My feet often times grow weary]Page Scan
66Since my soul is saved and sanctified[Since my soul is saved and sanctified]Page Scan
67Hear the news from heav'n above[Hear the news from heav'n above]Page Scan
68God sent His mighty power[God sent His mighty power]Page Scan
69Praise Him! praise Him! Praise God in the highest[Praise Him! praise Him! Praise God in the highest]TextPage ScanAudio
70Go forward, is the great command[Go forward, is the great command]TextPage ScanAudio
71Wonderful story of love[Wonderful story of love]Page Scan
72You ask what makes me happy, my heart so free from care[You ask what makes me happy, my heart so free from care]Page Scan
73Our Father in Heaven, we hallow Thy Name[Our Father in Heaven, we hallow Thy Name]Page ScanAudio
74Praises, sing praises to Jesus our blessed Redeemer[Praises, sing praises to Jesus our blessed Redeemer]Page Scan
75Jesus, Savior, pilot me[Jesus, Savior, pilot me]Page Scan
76Jesus, the Lamb, slain for my guilt[Jesus, the Lamb, slain for my guilt]TextPage ScanAudio
77Thou art my hiding place, O Lord[Thou art my hiding place, O Lord]Page ScanAudio
78By Samaria's wayside well[By Samaria's wayside well]Page Scan
79I've wandered far away from God[I've wandered far away from God]Page Scan
80There are songs of joy that I lov'd to sing[There are songs of joy that I lov'd to sing]Page Scan
81It was down at the feet of Jesus[It was down at the feet of Jesus]Page Scan
82Will my name be found on the roll of the faithful[Will my name be found on the roll of the faithful]Page Scan
83Lord of the harvest, we fervently pray[Lord of the harvest, we fervently pray]TextPage ScanAudio
84Speed away, speed away, O ye heralds of light[Speed away, speed away, O ye heralds of light]TextPage Scan
85I came to the Savior all burdened within[I came to the Savior all burdened within]TextPage ScanAudio
86The dear loving Savior hath found me[The dear loving Savior hath found me]Page Scan
87Come home, come home[Come home, come home]Page Scan
88Jesus, lead us all the way[Jesus, lead us all the way]TextPage ScanAudio
89There is a land of light and beauty[There is a land of light and beauty]Page Scan
90Once I walked the ways of sin, but today my heart is clean[Once I walked the ways of sin, but today my heart is clean]TextPage ScanAudio
91Who will follow Jesus[Who will follow Jesus]Page Scan
92Of Jesus love I'm singing[Of Jesus love I'm singing]Page Scan
93Lord, keep my soul from day to day[Lord, keep my soul from day to day]Page Scan
94Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine[Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine]Page Scan
95When I saw the cleansing fountain[When I saw the cleansing fountain]Page Scan
96Tho' dark the night, and clouds look black[Tho' dark the night, and clouds look black]Page Scan
97A Wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord[A Wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord]Page Scan
98Hark, 'tis the Master! He's calling you today[Hark, 'tis the Master! He's calling you today]Page Scan
99When I shall reach the more excellent glory[When I shall reach the more excellent glory]Page Scan
100Christ our Redeemer died on the cross[Christ our Redeemer died on the cross]Page Scan

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