Jesus, Theme of My Song: Select Gospel Songs

Editor: Einar Ekberg
Publisher: Philadelphia Book Concern, Chicago , 1946
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d1All the darkness of the night
d2All through life's journey is Jesus near
d3Are you lonely, are you sad
d4Born among cattle in poverty sore
d5Doomed unto death for my sinning
d6Forgive us, Lord, to thee we cry
d7Forgive us, Lord, to thee we cry
d8From Zion's mount Christ looketh o'er the city
d9Have thine own way, Lord
d10I cannot tell why Christ should die for me
d11I do not ask for diadem or scepter
d12I know a name that can drive away all sorrow
d13I remember how for years I sought
d14I would love to tell you what I think of Jesus
d15I'm on the good ship Gospel
d16Jesus Christ has brought salvation
d17Lonely and sad though your heart may be
d18Lonely though I wander here
d19Love divine, so great and wondrous
d20Loved ones have gone to their eternal rest
d21My soul in sad exile was out on life's sea
d22O how I love Jesus for his love to me
d23O what a wonderful Savior is he
d24Once my heart was so heavy with weight of my sin
d25One sat alone beside the highway begging
d26Others may sing of treasures of earth
d27Over a pathway rough and steep
d28Pilgrim, despairing, forsaken
d29Precious Lord, take my hand
d30Send a soul cleansing flood
d31Some thank the Lord for friends and home
d32There are no tears in heaven
d33There'll be light in the sky, from the palace on high
d34When I saw my Savior dying
d35When my sun of life is setting
d36When the storms of life were raging round me
d37With my blessed Lord I meet
[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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