Hymns, Selected and Original, for Sunday Schools of the Evangelical Lutheran Church

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d401The Bible, the Bible, More precious than gold
d402The blessed Bible now engages each youthful heart
d403The clock has struck, I cannot stay
d404The day is past and gone, the evening shades appear
d405The daylight fades, the evening shades
d406The drink that's in the drunkard's bowl
d407The glorious light is dawning
d408The gold and silver are the Lord's
d409The heathen perish, day by day
d410The hoary frost, the fleecy snow descend
d411The Lord attends when children pray
d412The Lord is here, He sees us, too, And watches everything
d413The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I fear
d414The Lord will come, the earth will quake
d415The moon is very fair and bright
d416The morning bright, with rosy light
d417The morning sky [sun] is bright and clear
d418The morning stars were singing with joy
d419The praises of my tongue
d420The Sabbath of the Lord, the Sabbath is our day
d421The Savior from his throne
d422The stars are bright this beautiful night
d423The sun that lights the world shall fade
d424The Sunday school army has gathered once more
d425The world their fancied pearl may crave
d426There is a fountain filled with blood, drawn from Immanuel's vein [veins]
d427There is a Friend we ought to love
d428There is a happy land, fast by the throne
d429There is a land above, All beautiful and bright
d430There is a path that leads to God, All others go astray
d431There is a spot surpassing sweet
d432There is an hour of peaceful rest
d433There is, beyond the sky, A heaven of joy and love
d434There was a noble ark
d435There's not a star whose twinkling light shines [illumes]
d436There's not a tint that paints the rose
d437These are the things I ought to mind
d438This body will decay
d439This day belongs to God alone
d440This God is the God we adore
d441This is a precious book indeed
d442This is the day the Lord hath [has] made, He calls
d443This is the field, where hidden lies The pearl of price
d444Thou art the Way, to thee alone
d445Thou, from whom we never part
d446Thou God of sovereign grace
d447Thou God of the sky
d448Thou shalt have no more gods but me
d449Though I am young, I have a soul The world can never buy
d450Through all the dangers of the night
d451Thy ceaseless, unexhausted love
d452'Tis a lesson you should heed
d453'Tis by thy strength the mountains stand
d454'Tis God who guides the sparrow's wing
d455'Tis Jesus speaks, I fold, says he
d456'Tis religion that can give sweetest pleasures
d457To do to others as I would that they should do to me
d458To praise the Savior's name let little children try
d459To praise the [thee] ever bounteous [beauteous] Lord
d460To Sabbath school, to Sabbath school
d461To thee our wants are known
d462To thy temple I repair
d463Today repeat the story
d464Today the bells, with voices loud
d465Try us, O God, and search the ground
d466'Twas God who made the earth and skies [sky]
d467Union it is a hollowed name
d468Up to thy throne I'll lift my eyes
d469Very little ones are we
d470Wake [wake], isles of the south
d471Watchman, tell us of the night
d472We are but young, yet we may sing
d473We come with joy and gladness
d474We gather, we gather, dear [O] Jesus, to bring
d475We infants sing to Christ our King
d476We live as pilgrims and strangers below
d477We love the Sabbath school
d478We now from school depart
d479We offer, Lord, an humble prayer
d480We sing the praise of Jesus, the holy Lamb of God
d481We speak of the realms of the blest
d482We won't [we'll not] give up the Bible, God's holy book of truth
d483Weep, little children, weep
d484Welcome, delightful morn, Thou [Sweet] day of sacred rest
d485Welcome, sweet day of rest
d486Welcome to earth, thou noble Guest
d487Well, the Redeemer's gone
d488What a mercy, what a treasure
d489What a strange and wondrous story
d490What is it shows my soul the way
d491What sinners value, I resign
d492What souls are these that venture near
d493What various hindrances we meet
d494What's this that steals, that steals upon my frame
d495When all my follies I recount
d496When all thy [your] mercies, O my [our] God [gracious Lord]
d497When at thy footstool, Lord, I bend
d498When daily I kneel down to pray
d499When, his salvation bringing [sending]
d500When I can read my title clear

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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