Gospel Light

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d301What a wonderful change in my life has been
d302What are the saved doing now up in heaven
d303What can cleanse my scarlet sin
d304What can wash away my sin [sins] [stain]
d305What lights are these I see
d306What we need today is the power of Jesus
d307When a sinner comes, as a sinner may
d308When crushed by the world a solace I find
d309When dreary my way, and weary my feet
d310When he cometh, when he cometh to make
d311When I survey the wondrous cross
d312When Jesus comes to reward his servants
d313When Jesus proclaimed his evangel to earth
d314When Jesus said, Let not your heart be troubled
d315When mountains of sorrow before you arise
d316When peace, like a river, attendeth my way
d317When sorrows like a shadow gather over you
d318When storms around are sweeping
d319When the cares of life are o'er
d320When the cares of life oppress you
d321When the day is ended and the night has come
d322When the Savior finds the wanderer
d323When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more
d324When we in the judgment stand
d325While fighting for my [the] Savior here
d326While Jesus whispers to you
d327While shepherds watch [watched] their flocks by night
d328Who at my [the] [thy] door [who] is standing [knocking]
d329Whosoever heareth, shout, shout the sound
d330Why did my Savior come to earth
d331Why do you wait, dear brother
d332Why should I worry when Jesus is near
d333Why turn from the Savior
d334Will you come, will you come, with your poor broken heart
d335Will you go and speak to the lost ones here
d336With a zeal that is new I again would pursue
d337With joy we hail the sacred day
d338Wonderful story of love; tell it to me again
d339Work, for the night is coming, work through the morning hours
d340Would you be free from the [your] burden of sin
d341Would you have the burden rolled from your sin sick soul
d342Yield not to temptation, for yielding is sin
d343You ask me why I quit the picture show
d344You have oft heard the bidding of the Lord
d345You may measure the length and the breadth

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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