The Eureka Highway Songs

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d101Standing on the promises of Christ our King
d102Tell to Jesus all your sorrow
d103The battle cry is sounding, We hear the sounds afar
d104The Bridegroom is coming, prepare you today
d105The Lord my Shepherd is, I shall be well supplied
d106The Master is calling, dear brother, for thee, to go and tell the glad news
d107The precious Savior shed his blood
d108The Savior has gone to the realms of the blest
d109There are many mansions bright
d110There is a gate stands open wide [that stands ajar]
d111There is a home beyond the sky, 'Tis there
d112There will be a golden day
d113There will be a great reunion on the golden shore
d114There'll be shouting in the air
d115There's a conflict on and my Lord commands
d116There's a deep, silent river flowing just before
d117There's a gentle voice that's calling
d118There's a great day coming, a great day coming
d119There's a mansion of rest in the home of the blest
d120Thou my everlasting portion
d121To Canaan's land I'm on my way
d122To the promised home in glory
d123'Twas Jesus, the Savior, the crucified King
d124'Twas on that [a] dark, that [and] doleful [awful] [dreary] night [day]
d125Walking in the sunlight, on we go, singing songs
d126We are told that the righteous shall pass over Jordan
d127We praise thee, O God, for the Son of thy love
d128We will crown our Savior King
d129We will gather one by one
d130What a friend we have in Jesus
d131When from this earth to heaven we go
d132When I call to Christ, I was all defiled
d133When I shall meet my Savior dear
d134When I stand upon the mountain
d135When I think of the price Jesus paid for my soul
d136When Jesus comes to reward his servants
d137When the harvest time is ended And the sheaves are garnered in
d138When the saints awake in the morn of life Where no clouds shall obscure the sky
d139When the Savior comes again from his throne
d140When the soldiers all assemble
d141When the toils of life are over And we lay our armor down
d142When the trumpet shall sound and the dead
d143When troubles come and life seems dark
d144When we meet in heaven in that happy home
d145When we walk with the Lord In the light of his Word
d146Whoever shall open his heart to the Lord
d147Why do you linger in death and in sin
d148Would you be a blessing filled with words of light
d149Would you be free from the [your] burden of sin
d150Would you help others as onward you go

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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