Down at the Cross

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d201Methinks, when bursts upon my raptured ear
d202Mid [midst] scenes of confusion and creature complaints
d203More like Jesus would I be
d204Mortals, awake, with angels join
d205Mourn for the thousands slain
d206Must Jesus bear the [his] cross alone
d207My Christian friends in bonds of love, whose hopes are
d208My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty
d209My days are gliding swiftly by
d210My faith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary
d211My Father is rich in houses and lands
d212My heavenly home is bright and fair nor pain nor death
d213My Jesus [Savior], I love thee, I know thou art mine
d214My latest sun is sinking fast, My race is nearly run
d215My life is filled with blessings
d216My soul be on thy [your] guard
d217Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee
d218No righteous works which I have done
d219Nothing satisfies but Jesus
d220Now as evening shadows hover
d221O blessed Jesus, hear my plea
d222O could I [we] speak the matchless worth
d223O do not let the Word depart, and close thine eyes
d224O, for a [an] heart to praise [love] my God
d225O, for a faith that will not shrink
d226O for a thousand tongues to sing my great [dear] Redeemer's praise
d227O happy day that fixed [seals] [stays] my choice
d228O hear the heavenly Father say
d229O Jesu [Jesus], thou art standing
d230O my heart is thrilled with wondrous joy today, I am resting in the Savior's love
d231O pilgrim as you journey, Do you ever gladly say
d232O precious fountain, I am cleansed from sin
d233O shut not your heart to the gospel
d234O spread the tidings round
d235O [Sweet] land for [of] rest for thee I sigh
d236O tell me of Jesus who came from above
d237O the bitter shame [pain] and [of] sorrow
d238O the soul is like a garden overgrown
d239O when I think about the cross and Jesus dying
d240O who is it like the mighty one
d241O worship the King, all glorious above
d242O'erwhelmed with amazement at Jesus I gaze
d243Of him who did salvation bring I could for ever think and sing
d244On a night all dark and lonely
d245On Calvary's rugged cross Jesus died for sinners lost
d246On the mountain [mountain's] top appearing
d247On the wings of morn, speed, O speed ye
d248On the world he redeemed, lo, the Savior looks
d249Once at Pilate's judgment bar
d250Once for all the Savior died, Christ the Lord
d251One only name in earth or heaven
d252One step at a time Life's mountain we climb
d253Only a broken heart, Savior, I bring
d254Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, With the cross
d255Open wide the door, slight the Lord no more
d256Our bondage here [it] shall [will] end by and by
d257Our life is like an upward grade
d258Over the billows, over the sea
d259Pass me not, O gentle Savior
d260Plead we the promise Thy word does record
d261Praise waiteth for thee, O God
d262Preach the gospel, tell the story
d263Prepare to meet thy God, Jesus now with you
d264Prince of peace control my will
d265Refining fire, go through my heart
d266Rejoice and be glad, the Redeemer has come
d267Revive thy work, O Lord, Thy mighty arm make bare
d268Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee
d269Room at the cross for a trembling [sinner's, sinsick] soul
d270Safely through another week
d271Salvation, O the joyful sound
d272Savior, like a shepherd lead us
d273Savior, Thy dying love Thou gavest me
d274Seek the Lord while yet you may
d275Shall we meet beyond the river, where the surges
d276Simply trusting every day
d277So great a salvation
d278Softly now the light of day
d279Soldier [Soldiers] of Christ, why thus cast down
d280Soldiers who are fighting
d281Some day I'll reap what I have sown
d282Someone will knock at the saints bright home
d283Speak just a word for Jesus
d284Spirit of faith, come down
d285Spirit of holiness, descend
d286Storms may gather all about me
d287Strive to enter at the gate
d288Sun of my soul [our souls], thou [my] [O] Savior [Father] dear
d289Sunlight now is gleaming, on the sparkling dews
d290Sunned with cloudless hopes of glory
d291Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer
d292Sweet the moments, rich in blessing
d293Sweetly the angels of heaven are singing
d294Tenderly care for the children
d295The boys of today, so active and strong
d296The great Physician now is near
d297The Lord Jehovah reigns, And o'er his vast domain
d298The morning light is breaking; the darkness disappears
d299The night is dark and starless
d300The praying spirit breathe

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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