The Cluster of Spiritual Songs, Divine Hymns and Sacred Poems: being chiefly a collection (3rd ed. rev.)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
CCIYe prisoners of hope o'erwhelmed with griefPage Scan
CCIISin, like a raging fever, reignsPage Scan
CCIIIYe sin sick souls draw near, And banquet with your kingPage Scan
CCIVTo-day, if you will hear his voicePage Scan
CCVWhen pity prompts me to look round [around] [down] upon my [this] fellow clayPage Scan
CCVISinners, awake to knowPage Scan
CCVIIO what amazing words of grace Are in the gospel foundPage Scan
CCVIIICome, guilty souls, and flee awayPage Scan
CCIXWho is the trembling sinner, whoPage Scan
CCXHow shall the sons of men appearPage Scan
CCXIInquiring souls, who long to findPage Scan
CCXIISinners, this solemn truth regardPage Scan
CCXIIIYe burdened souls, to Jesus comePage Scan
CCXIVBehold the Savior at the [thy] doorPage Scan
CCXVHark, 'tis the Savior 's voice I hear ComePage Scan
CCXVINow is the accepted timePage Scan
CCXVIILord, how large thy bounties arePage Scan
CCXVIIICome, ye weary sinners, oppressedPage Scan
CCXIXSinner [sinners], O why so thoughtless grownPage Scan
CCXXBroad is the road [stream] that leads to death [wrath]Page Scan
CCXXILord, what a thoughtless wretch was IPage Scan
CCXXIINow in the heat [flush] of youthful bloodPage Scan
CCXXIIIAwaked by Sinai's awful soundPage Scan
CCXXIVCome all who fear the Lord, and see what God has donePage Scan
CCXXVPoor mourning souls, in deep distressPage Scan
CCXXVIDear Jesus, here comes, And knocks at Thy doorPage Scan
CCXXVIICome all ye weary pilgrimsPage Scan
CCXXVIIIHail, sovereign love, which first beganPage Scan
CCXXIXYoung women all, I pray draw nearPage Scan
CCXXXYe people who [that] wonder at me and my waysPage Scan
CCXXXII set myself against the LordPage Scan
CCXXXIIUnclean, unclean, and full of sinPage Scan
CCXXXIIIIn sin's howling waste, my poor soul was forlornPage Scan
CCXXXIVI walked abroad one morning fairPage Scan
CCXXXVaCome humble sinner, in whose breastPage Scan
CCXXXVbResolving thus, I entered inPage Scan
CCXXXVIO give me, Lord, my sins to mournPage Scan
CCXXXVIIPity a helpless sinner, LordPage Scan
CCXXXVIIIMy sorrows, like a floodPage Scan
CCXXXIXLord, with a grieved and aching heartPage Scan
CCXLBehold a sinner, dearest LordPage Scan
CCXLIBeside the gospel pool Appointed for the poorPage Scan
CCXLIIWhen from the precepts to the crossPage Scan
CCXLIIIQuite weary near to faintPage Scan
CCXLIVSinful, and blind, and poorPage Scan
CCXLVHow long, thou faithful God, shall IPage Scan
CCXLVILord, shall we part with gold for drossPage Scan
CCXLVIIGreat God, though from myself concealedPage Scan
CCXLVIIILord, at thy feet in dust I liePage Scan
CCXLIXWhy, mourning soul [souls], why flow these tearsPage Scan
CCLShow pity Lord, O Lord, forgivePage Scan
CCLIYou captives restored, and saints of the LordPage Scan
CCLIIIn Jordan's tide [waves] the Baptist [prophet] standsPage Scan
CCLIIIHumble souls, who [that] seek salvationPage Scan
CCLIVThus it became the Prince of gracePage Scan
CCLVHail, sacred Savior, Prince of lightPage Scan
CCLVIDescend, celestial DovePage Scan
CCLVIIWhy tarriest thou, arise Page Scan
CCLVIIIDear Lord, and will [has] thy pardoning lovePage Scan
CCLIXThus was the great Redeemer plungedPage Scan
CCLXLord, to this fountain we repairPage Scan
CCLXIDespise me not, my carnal friendsPage Scan
CCLXIIIn all my Lord's appointed waysPage Scan
CCLXIIIArise and be baptizedPage Scan
CCLXIVEternal God, now smile on thosePage Scan
CCLXV'Twas the commission of our [the] LordPage Scan
CCLXVIDo we not know that solemn wordPage Scan
CCLXVIICome, saints and sinners, hear me tellPage Scan
CCLXVIIIO may I worthy prove to see The saints in full prosperityPage Scan
CCLXIXBright scenes of glory strike my sensePage Scan
CCLXXMy soul doth magnify the LordPage Scan
CCLXXIO brethren, we are going onPage Scan
CCLXXIIO 'tis a glorious mysteryPage Scan
CCLXXIIIOur souls by [in] love together knit [drawn] [joined]Page Scan
CCLXXIVYe children of Zion, who're bound to [for] the kingdomPage Scan
CCLXXVO glorious hope of perfect [heavenly] lovePage Scan
CCLXXVIHow happy is the pilgrim's lotPage Scan
CCLXXVIIO how I have longed for the coming [presence] of God [the Lord]Page Scan
CCLXXVIIISweet singers of Isr'l, begin your sweet strainsPage Scan
CCLXXIXRansomed sinners, sing the praisesPage Scan
CCLXXXBy whom was David taughtPage Scan
CCLXXXIO thou in whose presence my soul takes delightPage Scan
CCLXXXIIHosannah to Jesus, my soul's filled with praisesPage Scan
CCLXXXIIIMighty God [Lord] while angels bless [praise] theePage Scan
CCLXXXIVJerusalem, my happy home, O how I long for theePage Scan
CCLXXXVSweet rivers of redeeming lovePage Scan
CCLXXXVIO tell me no more of this [the] world's vain [vain world's] storePage Scan
CCLXXXVIIGlorious things of thee are spokenPage Scan
CCLXXXVIIIGood morning, brother pilgrimPage Scan
CCLXXXIXDo not I love thee, O my Lord [God]? Behold my heart and seePage Scan
CCXCThou lovely Source of true delightPage Scan
CCXCIKindred in Christ, for his dear [name's] sakePage Scan
CCXCIIWhen converts first begin to singPage Scan
CCXCIIIA heavenly flame creates my songPage Scan
CCXCIVOn Jordan's stormy [rugged] banks I stand, And cast a wishful eyePage Scan
CCXCVSavior of men and Lord of lovePage Scan
CCXCVIHark, the glad sound, the Savior comesPage Scan
CCXCVIIJesus, what shall I do to showPage Scan
CCXCVIIIWelcome, thou well beloved of GodPage Scan
CCXCIXFain would my soul with wonder tracePage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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