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d101Once I was straying in sin's dark valley
d102One day my soul was saved from the fall
d103One day to me a message came
d104Pass me not, O gentle Savior
d105Reaping with Jesus, saving
d106Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee
d107Sailing along o'er the mighty deep
d108Satan led my soul astray
d109Since you have trusted in the Savior
d110Singing each day, with gladness
d111Singing the glad praises
d112Some day I'll pass from earth
d113Some day the Savior will come
d114Some day when this life is o'er
d115Some of these days I'm going over
d116Some wonderful morning we shall join
d117Sometimes I'm lonely
d118Sometimes we're called to go through
d119Somewhere my dreams will all come true
d120Soon I shall go beyond earth's space
d121Soon I shall leave this country
d122Soon I'll hear the welcome bells
d123Spend a moment in prayer
d124The Lord is my Shepherd, I know
d125The pathway here may oft be rough
d126The praise of Jesus I'm singing
d127The wise men were glad to see the star
d128There are angels hovering round
d129There are arms on which
d130There are bright mansions somewhere
d131There is a city called heaven
d132There is a home of beauty above
d133There is a land of enchantment
d134There is a land of spring
d135There is a spot to me more dear
d136There is grace in the blessings
d137There is joy in knowing that the Lord
d138There is much of beauty all along
d139There's a country far beyond
d140There's a happy home for me
d141There's a hope unfailing
d142There's a page in the Bible
d143There's a wonderful city
d144Thoughtless person as you travel
d145'Twas alone in the garden
d146'Twas Jesus, my Savior, who pardoned my sins
d147We are happy, happy Christians
d148We are headed for that great
d149We praise thee, O God, for the Son of thy love
d150We read in God's word of heaven
d151We should all go hand in hand
d152We sing the praise of mother
d153We're only pilgrims, pilgrims
d154We're working today for
d155We've read and heard the story
d156What a wonder of mercy is this
d157What a wonderful feeling, heaven's
d158What could I do without Jesus
d159When counting up your many friends
d160When God dips his pen of love in my heart
d161When I come to the river at ending of day
d162When I reach the heavenly country
d163When I was burdened, so lonely
d164When I was lost in sin's dark night
d165When Jesus, the Lord, calls his
d166When the angel of the Lord
d167When this journey is completed
d168When troubles worry you
d169When we gather on the strand
d170When we hear the Savior's summons
d171When with the Savior we sweep through the gate
d172When you are sad and weary
d173When your heart is sad from the grief it bears
d174Where the beautiful angels roam
d175While I'm traveling here below
d176Won't that be a great homecoming

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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