Calvary Songs: A Choice Collection of Gospel Songs, both Old and New

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
99In the Christian's home in glory[In the Christian's home in glory]Page Scan
100We never know at the dawn of day[We never know at the dawn of day]
101Alone in the garden of Gethsemane[Alone in the garden of Gethsemane]
102There is never day so dreary[There is never day so dreary]Page Scan
103Christ Jesus my Lord from heaven came[Christ Jesus my Lord from heaven came]Page Scan
104Safe in the arms of Jesus[Safe in the arms of Jesus]Page Scan
105I long ago lift Egypt, for the promised land[I long ago lift Egypt, for the promised land]Page Scan
106Ring out the merry bells, the Savior has come[Ring out the merry bells, the Savior has come]
107Careless soul, why will you linger[Careless soul, why will you linger]Page Scan
108I am resolved no longer to linger[I am resolved no longer to linger]Page Scan
109There will be no night in heaven[There will be no night in heaven]
110When you have sorrow, when you have doubting[When you have sorrow, when you have doubting]
111'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus['Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus]Page Scan
112Come to Jesus! He will save you[Come to Jesus! He will save you]Page Scan
113My soul in sad exile was out on life's sea[My soul in sad exile was out on life's sea]Page Scan
114Just over the river, just over the river[Just over the river, just over the river]Page Scan
115Say, why should friendship grieve for those[Say, why should friendship grieve for those]Page Scan
116A few more days for you and me[A few more days for you and me]Page Scan
117We are going home to rest[We are going home to rest]Page Scan
118Throw out the Life-Line across the dark wave[Throw out the Life-Line across the dark wave]Page Scan
119Somebody cares when your heart aches[Somebody cares when your heart aches]
120There's a message true and glad[There's a message true and glad]Page Scan
121Makes me love ev'rybody[Makes me love ev'rybody]Page Scan
122Often I've heard of heaven, wonderful country somewhere[Often I've heard of heaven, wonderful country somewhere]Page Scan
123O ye who walk on the downward way[O ye who walk on the downward way]Page Scan
124When Jesus comes to reward His servants[When Jesus comes to reward His servants]Page Scan
125Tell me the story of Jesus[Tell me the story of Jesus]Page Scan
126I'm gonna take a trip in the good old gospel ship[I'm gonna take a trip in the good old gospel ship]
127What have you done in the Master's dear name?[What have you done in the Master's dear name?]Page Scan
128The night is fast passing, the day is at hand[The night is fast passing, the day is at hand]
129Somewhere, beyond the sea of life[Somewhere, beyond the sea of life]
130There's no disappointment in heaven[There's no disappointment in heaven]Page Scan
131I love to think of heav'n[I love to think of heav'n]Page Scan
132At the sounding of the trumpet, when the saints are gathered home[At the sounding of the trumpet, when the saints are gathered home]Page Scan
133We'll all gather home in the morning[We'll all gather home in the morning]Page Scan
134There is a song in my heart today[There is a song in my heart today]
135O they tell me of a home far beyond the skies[O they tell me of a home far beyond the skies]Page Scan
136On to the work He has given[On to the work He has given]
137Living below in this old sinful world[Living below in this old sinful world]
138Tho' the shadows gather o'er my pathway here[Tho' the shadows gather o'er my pathway here]Page Scan
139O heart bowed down in despair and grief[O heart bowed down in despair and grief]
140We are told that a great day is coming[We are told that a great day is coming]Page Scan
141Why did my Saviour come to earth[Why did my Saviour come to earth]Page Scan
142Out on the perilous deep[Out on the perilous deep]Page Scan
143Joys are flowing like a river[Joys are flowing like a river]Page Scan
144I saw a poor wayfaring pilgrim one day[I saw a poor wayfaring pilgrim one day]
145If I walk in the pathway of duty[If I walk in the pathway of duty]Page Scan
146Life is like a mountain railroad[Life is like a mountain railroad]Page Scan
147Hark! The gentle voice of Jesus falleth[Hark! The gentle voice of Jesus falleth]Page Scan
148Will you come, will you come[Will you come, will you come]Page Scan
149There is room in the kingdom of God, my brother[There is room in the kingdom of God, my brother]Page Scan
150There's a Stranger at the Door[There's a Stranger at the Door]Page Scan
151In the shadow of His wings[In the shadow of His wings]Page Scan
152Tho' the earth was filled with sin[Tho' the earth was filled with sin]Page Scan
153Tho' sorrows come my way[Tho' sorrows come my way]
154Jesus is tenderly calling thee home[Jesus is tenderly calling thee home]Page Scan
155"There shall be showers of blessing"["There shall be showers of blessing"]Page Scan
156I'm following Jesus and trusting His love[I'm following Jesus and trusting His love]Page Scan
157O behold the love of Jesus![O behold the love of Jesus!]Page Scan
158Give of your best to the Master[Give of your best to the Master]Page Scan
159I am dwelling on the mountain[I am dwelling on the mountain]Page Scan
160Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go[Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go]Page Scan
161Christ will me His aid afford[Christ will me His aid afford]Page Scan
162Walking in sunlight, all of my journey[Walking in sunlight, all of my journey]Page Scan
163I must tell Jesus all of my trials[I must tell Jesus all of my trials]Page Scan
164Sitting at the feet of Jesus[Sitting at the feet of Jesus]Page Scan
165Take my life, and let it be[Take my life, and let it be]Page Scan
166Will your anchor hold in the storms of life[Will your anchor hold in the storms of life]Page Scan
167I am so happy in Christ today[I am so happy in Christ today]Page Scan
168"All things are ready," come to the feast!["All things are ready," come to the feast!]Page Scan
169I never can forget the day I heard my mother kindly say[I never can forget the day I heard my mother kindly say]Page Scan
170I believe the Bible, it taught me how to pray[I believe the Bible, it taught me how to pray]Page Scan
171Just when I am disheartened[Just when I am disheartened]Page Scan
172There were ninety and nine that safely lay[There were ninety and nine that safely lay]Page Scan
173There is rest, sweet rest, at the Master's feet[There is rest, sweet rest, at the Master's feet]Page Scan
174The blood that Jesus once shed for me[The blood that Jesus once shed for me]Page Scan
175Jesus found me when afar I wandered[Jesus found me when afar I wandered]Page Scan
176Like a bird on the deep, far away from its nest[Like a bird on the deep, far away from its nest]Page Scan
177There's a beautiful land far beyond the sky[There's a beautiful land far beyond the sky]Page Scan
178It may not be on the mountain's height[It may not be on the mountain's height]Page Scan
179Ready to suffer grief or pain[Ready to suffer grief or pain]Page Scan
180There's sunshine in my soul today[There's sunshine in my soul today]Page Scan
181Speak to my soul, dear Jesus[Speak to my soul, dear Jesus]Page Scan
182Are you burdened with a load of sin?[Are you burdened with a load of sin?]Page Scan
183I wandered in the shades of night[I wandered in the shades of night]Page Scan
184In shady, green pastures, so rich and so sweet[In shady, green pastures, so rich and so sweet]Page Scan
185There is a stream that flows from Calvary[There is a stream that flows from Calvary]Page Scan
186Patiently, tenderly pleading[Patiently, tenderly pleading]
187Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight[Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight]Page Scan
188I'm saved by the blood of the Crucified One[I'm saved by the blood of the Crucified One]Page Scan
189What a fellowship, what a joy divine[What a fellowship, what a joy divine]Page Scan
190The fight is on, the trumpet sound is ringing out[The fight is on, the trumpet sound is ringing out]Page Scan
191Faith of our fathers! Living still[Faith of our fathers! Living still]Page Scan
192Beautiful robes so white[Beautiful robes so white]Page Scan
193Simply trusting ev'ry day[Simply trusting ev'ry day]Page Scan
194Saved by the blood of the Crucified One[Saved by the blood of the Crucified One]Page Scan
195Precious Savior, thou hast saved me[Precious Savior, thou hast saved me]Page Scan
196There's a sweet and blessed story of the Christ who came from glory[There's a sweet and blessed story of the Christ who came from glory]Page Scan
197O mourner of Zion, how blessed art thou[O mourner of Zion, how blessed art thou]Page Scan
198Of Jesus' love that sought me[Of Jesus' love that sought me]Page Scan

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