Christian Psalmody, in Four Parts; containing Dr. Watt's Psalms Abridged; Dr. Watt's Hymns Abridged; Select Hymns from Other Authors; and Select Harmony: together with directions... (2nd. ed.)

Editor: Samuel Worcester, D. D.
Publisher: Samuel T. Armstrong, Boston, 1817
Language: English
Notes: Watt's Psalms (WP), Watt's Hymns (WH), Books 1, 2, and 3, and Select Hymns (SH) are numbered separately
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
SH57Dear Jesus, when, when shall it bePage Scan
SH58What jarring natures dwell withinPage Scan
SH59Alas, what hourly dangers rise!Page Scan
SH60O my soul, what means this sadness?Page Scan
SH61I was a grov'ling creature oncePage Scan
SH62Jesus, I know, hath died for mePage Scan
SH63The deluge at the Almighty's callPage Scan
SH64One there is, above all othersPage Scan
SH65Manna to Israel well supply'dPage Scan
SH66Joy is a fruit that will not growPage Scan
SH67Oh! for a closer walk with GodPage Scan
SH68God moves in a mysterious wayPage Scan
SH69O how I love thy holy wordPage Scan
SH70O Lord, my best desire fulfilPage Scan
SH71It is the Lord--enthron'd in lightPage Scan
SH72Didst thou, dear Jesus, suffer shamePage Scan
SH73Fierce passions discompose the mindPage Scan
SH74The saints should never be dismay'dPage Scan
SH75By whom was David taughtPage Scan
SH76Heal us, Emmanuel;--here we arePage Scan
SH77Jesus, whose blood so freely stream'dPage Scan
SH78When all thy mercies, O my GodPage Scan
SH79Through all the changing scenes of lifePage Scan
SH80Come, thou Fount of ev'ry blessingPage Scan
SH81How shall I my Saviour set forth?Page Scan
SH82Thou only Sovereign of my heartPage Scan
SH83The billows swell, the winds are highPage Scan
SH84Jesus, lover of my soulPage Scan
SH85Jesus, at thy commandPage Scan
SH86"I know that my Redeemer lives"Page Scan
SH87Son of God, thy blessing grantPage Scan
SH88My song shall bless the Lord of allPage Scan
SH89Jesus, thy blood and righteousnessPage Scan
SH90Am I a soldier of the cross?Page Scan
SH91Guide me, O thou great JehovahPage Scan
SH92The Lord my pasture shall preparePage Scan
SH93See, Gabriel swift descend to earthPage Scan
SH94How are thy servants bless'd, O LordPage Scan
SH95Altho' the vine its fruit denyPage Scan
SH96Thou dear Redeemer, dying LambPage Scan
SH97World, adieu! thou real cheatPage Scan
SH98Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wingsPage Scan
SH99On wings of faith, mount up my soul, and risePage Scan
SH100Blessed are the sons of GodPage Scan
SH101My gracious Redeemer I lovePage Scan
SH102Our Saviour alonePage Scan
SH103Awake, and sing the song Page Scan
SH104Grateful notes and numbers bringPage Scan
SH105Honour and happiness unite Page Scan
SH106Ye servants of God Page Scan
SH107Come, thou Almighty KingPage Scan
SH108Raise, thoughtless sinner, raise thine eyePage Scan
SH109Sinner, art thou still secure?Page Scan
SH110Sinners, the voice of God regardPage Scan
SH111Sinners, will you scorn the messagePage Scan
SH112Come, ye weary souls opprestPage Scan
SH113Jesus, full of all compassionPage Scan
SH114Look down, O Lord, with pitying eyePage Scan
SH115Hail, mighty Jesus, how divinePage Scan
SH116While I to grief my soul gave wayPage Scan
SH117The Lord on mortal worms looks downPage Scan
SH118Hark! hear the sound, on earth 'tis foundPage Scan
SH119With rev'rend awe, tremendous LordPage Scan
SH120The Spirit breathes upon the wordPage Scan
SH121Safely through another weekPage Scan
SH122Welcome, delightful mornPage Scan
SH123The Lord of Sabbath let us praisePage Scan
SH124Whilst thee I seek, protecting Power!Page Scan
SH125O Lord, our languid souls inspirePage Scan
SH126Lord, we come before thee nowPage Scan
SH127Love divine, all love excelling!Page Scan
SH128Ye sons of earth, prepare the plough Page Scan
SH129Dismiss us with thy blessing, LordPage Scan
SH130The peace which God alone revealsPage Scan
SH131Now may the God of peace and lovePage Scan
SH132Blow ye the trumpet, blowPage Scan
SH133Father of all, we bow to theePage Scan
SH134What various hindrances we meetPage Scan
SH135In themselves as weak as wormsPage Scan
SH136See, gracious Lord, before thy thronePage Scan
SH137When Abrah'm full of sacred awePage Scan
SH138O righteous God, thou judge supremePage Scan
SH139Listen, ye hills, ye mountains hearPage Scan
SH140Eternal Source of every joy!Page Scan
SH141And will the great eternal GodPage Scan
SH142In sweet exalted strainsPage Scan
SH143Great Lord of all angels, we adorePage Scan
SH144Praise to the Lord on highPage Scan
SH145Father of mercies, in thy housePage Scan
SH146How rich thy bounty, King of kings!Page Scan
SH147O thou, before whose gracious thronePage Scan
SH148His master taken from his headPage Scan
SH149Now let our mourning hearts revivePage Scan
SH150He who on earth as man was knownPage Scan
SH151O happy day that fix'd my choicePage Scan
SH152Now for a hymn of praise to God!Page Scan
SH153O Zion, afflicted with wave upon wavePage Scan
SH154Come, thou long expected JesusPage Scan
SH155Thus saith the Lord to EphesusPage Scan
SH156The message first to Smyrna sentPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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