A Collection of Hymns, for the Use of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren. New and Revised ed.

Publisher: I. Ashmead & Co. (Printer), Philadelphia, 1832
Denomination: Moravian Church
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
801Where two or three, with sweet accordPage Scan
802Grace and peace from God our blessed SaviourPage Scan
803Our lot of grace how truly bless'd!Page Scan
804Good Shepherd, hear!Page Scan
805Lord, with thy glorious presence blessPage Scan
806Before thy throne we now appearPage Scan
807Peace be to thy ev'ry dwellingPage Scan
808Peace be to this congregationPage Scan
809From thy holy habitationPage Scan
810'Fore thee, Lord, we appearPage Scan
811This habitationPage Scan
812O church, thy strength abidePage Scan
813Joy divine, and heav'nly peace with unctionPage Scan
814This day is holy to the LordPage Scan
815Lord Jesus, for our call of gracePage Scan
816Shepherd of souls, refresh and blessPage Scan
817The Sabbath is for man, that hePage Scan
818Gracious Lord,--with one accordPage Scan
819Jesus, knit all our hearts to theePage Scan
820O King of peace, our Sov'reign!Page Scan
821We who here together are assembledPage Scan
822Welcome among thy flock of gracePage Scan
823Jesus, God of our salvation!Page Scan
824To Christ we homage payPage Scan
825Incline thine ear in favorPage Scan
826Head and Ruler of thy congregationPage Scan
827Thou, who so graciously didst leadPage Scan
828O maker of my soulPage Scan
829O thou God of our salvationPage Scan
830Lord, thy church's RockPage Scan
831When our great Sov'reign from on highPage Scan
832In Jesus' name, by us ador'dPage Scan
833The flock of Christ receiveth theePage Scan
834High on his everlasting thronePage Scan
835Praise be to God the Holy GhostPage Scan
836A messenger of peacePage Scan
837The doctrine of our dying LordPage Scan
838Preachers of the gospel-wordPage Scan
839Shall I, through fear of feeble manPage Scan
840We often, in our course through timePage Scan
841Ye who called, ye who called to Christ's service arePage Scan
842Lord Jesus, who hast called usPage Scan
843Sinners' Redeemer, gracious Lamb of GodPage Scan
844O glorious Master of thy housePage Scan
845Redeemer of mankind, God of all gracePage Scan
846Be present with thy servants, LordPage Scan
847Lord, grant thy servants gracePage Scan
848Most faithful Lord, thyself revealPage Scan
849Since our Saviour call'd us to inheritPage Scan
850Body and soul's at thy commandPage Scan
851Take me into thy hands anewPage Scan
852Lord, grant us, though deeply abased with shamePage Scan
853O Jesus, my LordPage Scan
854Attend, Lord Jesus, to my pray'rPage Scan
855O grant thy servant, through thy gracePage Scan
856Shepherd, help thy chosen fewPage Scan
857In mercy, Lord, this grace bestowPage Scan
858Fit us for thy service, LordPage Scan
859O may the witness-spirit restPage Scan
860With gladness we will follow theePage Scan
861O glorious Master of thy housePage Scan
862O bless the ministryPage Scan
863Thou master of thy familyPage Scan
864Jesus, who died upon the crossPage Scan
865Let thy presence go with mePage Scan
866The day will come, when Jesus ChristPage Scan
867All is the Lord's: the spacious earthPage Scan
868Is this indeed our happy lotPage Scan
869O Lord, we highly magnifyPage Scan
870In our short warfare here belowPage Scan
871Thou Saviour of the world, great MediatorPage Scan
872Think on our brethren, LordPage Scan
873The Lord himself gave forth the wordPage Scan
874As 'twas of old, we now may tracePage Scan
875Lord, at thy feet amaz'd we sinkPage Scan
876Ye people of the LordPage Scan
877Let the world hear! Let the world hear!Page Scan
878The springs of salvation from Christ the Rock burstingPage Scan
879The earth's the Lord's! to cultivate the landPage Scan
880Would the world our passport seePage Scan
881God's boundless gracePage Scan
882With fire and with spirit endow'd ev'ry momentPage Scan
883Grounded on th'eternal RockPage Scan
884Ambassadors of ChristPage Scan
885Brethren, what do you desire?Page Scan
886Go, witness of the suff'ringPage Scan
887Warrior, on thy station standPage Scan
888What affords the christian warrior vigorPage Scan
889How are thy servants blest, O Lord!Page Scan
890Urg'd by love, on ev'ry stationPage Scan
891O what songs in highest strainPage Scan
892Lord, to thy people aid dispensePage Scan
893Before Jehovah's awful thronePage Scan
894Lord God, our Salvation!Page Scan
895Jesus, where'er thy people meetPage Scan
896With joy we hasten to the placePage Scan
897Jesus is become at lengthPage Scan
898Zion, where God records his namePage Scan
899Shepherd of thy blood-bought sheep!Page Scan
900Christ Jesus is that precious grainPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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