Church Book: for the use of Evangelical Lutheran congregations

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
585For ever with the Lord!OLMUTZTextPage Scan
586Brief life is here our portionQUAM DILECTATextPage Scan
587Jerusalem the goldenEWINGTextPage Scan
588Jerusalem the glorious!CELESTETextPage Scan
D1To Father, Son, and Holy GhostTextPage Scan
D2To God the Father, SonTextPage Scan
D3To Father, Son, and Holy GhostTextPage Scan
D4Praise God, from whom all blessings flowTextPage Scan
D5To God the Father, God the SonTextPage Scan
D6To Father, Son, and Holy GhostTextPage Scan
D7To God the Father, SonTextPage Scan
D8To Father, Son, and SpiritTextPage Scan
D9To God the Father, SonTextPage Scan
D10Holy Father, holy SonTextPage Scan
D11Praise the Name of God most highTextPage Scan
D12Praise the Father, earth and heavenTextPage Scan
D13Praise the God of all creationTextPage Scan
D14Great Jehovah, we adore TheeTextPage Scan
D15Glory be to God the FatherTextPage Scan
D16Glory be to God most highTextPage Scan
D17Father, Son, and SpiritTextPage Scan
D18O Father Almighty, to Thee be addrestTextPage Scan
469aST. THOMASPage Scan
469cSWABIAPage Scan
470aBOYLSTONPage Scan
470bHENDONPage Scan
470cCLARENDONPage Scan
470dDOWNSPage Scan
470eNUREMBURGPage Scan
471aTOPLADYPage Scan
471bMERIBAHPage Scan
471cNEWCOURTPage Scan
472aBROWNELLPage Scan
472bBENEVENTOPage Scan
472cLITANYPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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