The Baptist Praise Book

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
301In stature grows the heavenly ChildPage Scan
302The Word, with God the Father OnePage Scan
303Jesus a child his course begunPage Scan
304"See how he loved!" exclaimed the JewsPage Scan
305I think, when I read that sweet story of oldPage Scan
306See the kind Shepherd, Jesus, standsPage Scan
307What are those soul-reviving strainsPage Scan
308To thee be glory, honor, praisePage Scan
309Fiercely came the tempest sweepingPage Scan
310Once upon the heaving oceanPage Scan
311How sweetly flowed the gospel soundPage Scan
312At even ere the sun was setPage Scan
313When power divine, in mortal formPage Scan
314My dear Redeemer, and my LordPage Scan
315How beauteous were the marks divinePage Scan
316When like a stranger on our spherePage Scan
317What grace, O Lord, and beauty shonePage Scan
318Incarnate word! by every griefPage Scan
319Thou art the Way: to thee alonePage Scan
320Jesus wept! those tears are overPage Scan
321Ride on, ride on in majesty!Page Scan
322O wondrous type, O vision fairPage Scan
323Flow fast, my tears! the cause is greatPage Scan
324'Tis midnight; and on Olive's browPage Scan
325Lord! in thy garden agonyPage Scan
326From Calvary a cry was heardPage Scan
327The morning dawns upon the placePage Scan
328Soft be the gently breathing notesPage Scan
329O Christ! our King, Creator, Lord!Page Scan
330When I survey the wondrous crossPage Scan
331Stretched on the cross. the Saviour diesPage Scan
332Ye that pass by, behold the Man!Page Scan
333"'Tis finished!" so the Saviour criedPage Scan
334Nature with open volume standsPage Scan
335He dies!-- the Friend of sinners diesPage Scan
336Oh come and mourn with me awhile!Page Scan
337Saviour, I think upon that hourPage Scan
338Our spirits join t' adore the LambPage Scan
339Lord Jesus, when we stand afarPage Scan
340Beneath thy cross I lay me downPage Scan
341The Saviour, what a noble flamePage Scan
342Behold, where, in a mortal formPage Scan
343How wondrous was the burning zealPage Scan
344From whence these direful omens roundPage Scan
345A pilgrim through this lonely worldPage Scan
346Behold the Saviour of mankindPage Scan
347Alas! and did my Saviour bleed? Page Scan
348Dark was the night, and cold the groundPage Scan
349And did the Holy and the JustPage Scan
350How condescending, and how kindPage Scan
351Behold th' amazing sightPage Scan
352O'erwhelmed in depths of woePage Scan
353Like sheep we went astrayPage Scan
354O Sacred Head, now woundedPage Scan
355Blood is the price of heavenPage Scan
356Behold! behold! the Lamb of GodPage Scan
357Bound upon th' accurs'd treePage Scan
358Hark! the voice of love and mercyPage Scan
359Who is this that comes from EdomPage Scan
360Mary to the Saviour's tombPage Scan
361Resting from his work to-dayPage Scan
362Go to dark GethsemanePage Scan
363Wouldst thou learn the depth of sinPage Scan
364Christ the Lord is risen to-dayPage Scan
365Angels! roll the rock awayPage Scan
366Morning breaks upon the tombPage Scan
367Christ the Lord is risen againPage Scan
368Hail to thee, our risen King!Page Scan
369Hail the day that sees him risePage Scan
370Yes, the Redeemer rosePage Scan
371Ye saints! your music bringPage Scan
372Our Lord is risen from the deadPage Scan
373Now for a tune of lofty praisePage Scan
374Hail! morning known among the blestPage Scan
375Where high the heavenly temple standsPage Scan
376When I the holy grave surveyPage Scan
377He lives, the great Redeemer livesPage Scan
378I know that my Redeemer livesPage Scan
379The morning kindles all the skyPage Scan
380He lives, my kind, wise, heavenly FriendPage Scan
381Hosanna to the Prince of LightPage Scan
382Jesus, our Lord, ascend thy thronePage Scan
383Arise, ye people, and adorePage Scan
384Ye humble souls that seek the LordPage Scan
385Now let our cheerful eyes surveyPage Scan
386With joy we meditate the gracePage Scan
387I say to all men, far and nearPage Scan
388The morning purples all the skyPage Scan
389Oh, for a shout of sacred joyPage Scan
390The head that once was crowned with thornsPage Scan
391Welcome, thou Victor in the strifePage Scan
392Hark! ten thousand harps and voicesPage Scan
393Hail, thou once despis'd JesusPage Scan
394Look ye saints;--the sight is gloriousPage Scan
395Hail, thou happy morn, so glorious!Page Scan
396Lo! He comes with clouds descending!Page Scan
397Christ is coming! let creationPage Scan
398Lo, he cometh! countless trumpetsPage Scan
399Lo! he comes, with clouds descending!Page Scan
400O'er the distant mountains breakingPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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