The Baptist Hymn and Tune Book for Public Worship

Editor: John M. Evans
Publisher: The Bible and Publication Society, Philadelphia, 1873
Denomination: Baptist hymnals (general)
Language: English
Notes: This hymnal includes additional hymns in the back, numbered independently. The appendix (denoted with the prefix "A") includes chants, as well as miscellaneous hymns & anthems. An additional section for doxologies has the prefix "D" preceding each number.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
401O thou that hear'st the prayer of faithPage Scan
402Father, I stretch my hands to theePage Scan
403When at thy footstool, Lord, I bendPage Scan
404Lord, I'm oppressed; oh, undertakePage Scan
405Lord, thou hast won: at length I yieldPage Scan
406Jesus, Master, hear my cryPage Scan
407Jesus, thou art the sinner's FriendPage Scan
408Just as I am, without one pleaPage Scan
409Lord, I approach thy mercy-seatPage Scan
410There is a fountain, filled with bloodPage Scan
411Arise, my soul, arisePage Scan
412Jesus, my all, to heaven is gonePage Scan
413Jesus! lover of my soulPage Scan
414My hope is built on nothing lessPage Scan
415Here at thy cross, incarnate GodPage Scan
416Rock of ages, cleft for mePage Scan
417My soul, with joy attendPage Scan
418Poor, weak, and worthless though I amPage Scan
419When first o'erwhelmed with sin and shamePage Scan
420Lord, thou art enthroned in gloryPage Scan
421For ever here my rest shall bePage Scan
422Thy works, not mine, O ChristPage Scan
423Could I recall the buried pastPage Scan
424All that I was, my sin, my guiltPage Scan
425No more, my God, I boast no morePage Scan
426Not what I feel or doPage Scan
427Great God, when I approach thy thronePage Scan
428When time seems short and death is nearPage Scan
429Had I ten thousand gifts besidePage Scan
430Firm as the earth thy gospel standsPage Scan
431Chief of sinners though I bePage Scan
432Thou art my hiding-place, O LordPage Scan
433Thou art, O Lord, my hiding placePage Scan
434Jesus, thy robe of righteousnessPage Scan
435I lay my sins on JesusPage Scan
436I rest my soul on JesusPage Scan
437O thou, the contrite sinner's FriendPage Scan
438I stand on Zion's mountPage Scan
439Done is the work that savesPage Scan
440Lord Jesus Christ, my life, my lightPage Scan
441Before the throne of God abovePage Scan
442O Christ, what burdens bowed thy headPage Scan
443Complete in thee,--no work of minePage Scan
444In all the impotence of needPage Scan
445Who trusts in God a strong abodePage Scan
446How oft have sin and Satan strovePage Scan
447Fountain of grace, rich, full, and freePage Scan
448The promise of my Father's lovePage Scan
449Ye trembling souls, dismiss your fearsPage Scan
450Soon as I heard my Father sayPage Scan
451Ask ye what great thing I knowPage Scan
452When sins and fears, prevailing, risePage Scan
453Tell me the old, old storyPage Scan
454Christ and his cross is all our themePage Scan
455Would you win a soul to God?Page Scan
456In the cross of Christ I gloryPage Scan
457O God of our salvation, LordPage Scan
458Faith adds new charms to earthly blissPage Scan
459Faith is a living power from heavenPage Scan
460Lord, I believe; thy power I ownPage Scan
461Yes, thou art mine, my blessed LordPage Scan
462I love the Lord; he heard my criesPage Scan
463Compared with Christ, in all besidePage Scan
464I would love thee, God and FatherPage Scan
465I will love thee, all my treasurePage Scan
466I love thee, O my God, but notPage Scan
467Hail, my ever blessed Jesus!Page Scan
468Blessed Saviour, thee I lovePage Scan
469O love divine, how sweet thou art!Page Scan
470How sweetly flowed the gospel's soundPage Scan
471Chosen, not for good in mePage Scan
472Jesus, thy boundless love to mePage Scan
473Jesus, these eyes have never seenMONSONPage Scan
474O Lord, thy love's unboundedPage Scan
475Jesus, my Lord, my God, my allPage Scan
476Jesus, thy name I lovePage Scan
477There is no name so sweet on earthPage Scan
478Jesus, delightful, charming name!Page Scan
479There is none other name than thinePage Scan
480Dearest of all the names abovePage Scan
481Father, I sing thy wondrous gracePage Scan
482There is a name I love to hearPage Scan
483How sweet the name of Jesus soundsPage Scan
484My precious Lord, for thy dear namePage Scan
485Jesus, I love thy charming namePage Scan
486Hark, my soul, it is the LordPage Scan
487O Jesus, King most wonderfulPage Scan
488Sweet the moments, rich in blessingPage Scan
489How happy's every child of gracePage Scan
490How happy is the Christian's state!Page Scan
491Oh, how happy are they Page Scan
492The head that once was crowned with thornsPage Scan
493Yes, for me, for me he carethPage Scan
494Saviour, happy would I bePage Scan
495If Jesus be my friendPage Scan
496A mind at perfect peace with GodPage Scan
497Joyful be the hours to-dayPage Scan
498Now I have found a friendPage Scan
499I hear the words of lovePage Scan
500My heart is resting, O my GodPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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