Boys and Girls Sing and Remember

Publisher: Gospel Publishing House, [Missouri], 1953
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d1A star, a star is shining in the sky
d2Be ye kind, for God has said
d3Do no sinful action; Speak no angry word
d4Down deep in my heart
d5Down, down, down, down, down came the walls
d6Even the wind, even the wind
d7Everywhere the world is dark and sad
d8God has given you to me
d9God made the day
d10God so loved the world, For God so loved the world
d11He is here beside me
d12He is our Shepherd
d13He loved us, he loved us
d14He will forgive you
d15I am the Lord that healeth thee
d16I know he'll watch over me
d17I will trust and not be afraid
d18If you'd like to be happy
d19It was for me, it was for me That Jesus died
d20It's a good thing to sing
d21Jesus is mighty
d22Jesus lives today
d23Jesus loved me so
d24Jesus was kind and loving
d25O Lamb of God, who gave th blood
d26Some day, some day soon
d27Speak ye of everyone the truth
d28Teach me thy way, dear Lord
d29The lily fair comes out and smiles
d30The Word of God is true
d31They followed the cloud by daytime
d32This is God's house
d33Thou art near
d34We bring our offering, Lord
d35We're his people
d36We're thanking you, our Father
d37When I reach the glory land
d38When I see a rainbow
d39When Joseph prayed
d40You cannot hide it from God
d41You help me and I'll help you
d42You'd be glad, glad, glad
[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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