438. Forth in Thy Name, O Lord

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1. Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go,
my daily labor to pursue;
thee, only thee, resolved to know
in all I think or speak or do.

2. The task thy wisdom hath assigned,
O let me cheerfully fulfill;
in all my works thy presence find,
and prove thy good and perfect will.

3. Thee may I set at my right hand,
whose eyes mine inmost substance see,
and labor on at thy command,
and offer all my works to thee.

4. For thee delightfully employ
what e'er thy bounteous grace hath given;
and run my course with even joy,
and closely walk with thee to heaven.

Text Information
First Line: Forth in thy name, O Lord
Title: Forth in Thy Name, O Lord
Author: Charles Wesley (1749)
Meter: LM
Language: English
Publication Date: 1989
Topic: Sanctifiying and Perfecting Grace: Social Holiness; Particular Times of Worship: Closing of Worship; Christian Perfection (6 more...)
Tune Information
Composer: John Hatton (1793)
Meter: LM
Key: E♭ Major

Audio recording: Sample
More media are available on the text authority and tune authority pages.

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