118. "Lovest Thou Me?"

1 Wand'rer o'er life's restless ocean,
With no spot to fold thy wing
Sheltered one where friends and kindred
Full of love around thee cling.
Sad or joyful, young or aged,
Whatsoever thy lot may be,
Tones today from heaven are calling,
"Lovest thou me?"

2 "More than wealth or worldly station?
More than pleasure, pow'r or pride?
More than human love or friendships
More than these and all beside?"
Listen to the solemn query;
'Tis thy Saviour speaks to thee;
Even now His voice is calling,
"Lovest thou me?"

3 "Lord, thou knowest thou I love Thee;"
Oh, for grace to love Thee more!
Help the weakest of thy children
Now to love Thee and adore.
"Lord, thou knowest that I love thee;"
Quick and glad the answer be,
When I hear thy sweet voice calling,
"Lovest thou me?"

Text Information
First Line: Wand'rer o'er life's restless ocean
Title: "Lovest Thou Me?"
Adapter: Mrs. W. W. Thomas
Language: English
Publication Date: 1879
Tune Information
Name: [Wand'rer o'er life's restless ocean]
Composer: L. J. R.
Key: C Major

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