XLVII. Look on him when they pierced, and mourn

1 Infinite grief! amazing woe!
Behold my bleeding Lord!
Hell and the Jews conspire his death,
And use the Roman sword.

2 Oh! the sharp pangs of smarting pain
My dear Redeemer bore,
When knotty whips, and ragged thorns,
His sacred body tore!

3 But knotty whips, and ragged thorns,
In vain do I accuse;
In vain I blame the Roman bands,
And more insulting Jews:

4 'Twere you, my sins, my cruel sins,
His chief tormentors were;
Each of my crimes became a nail;
And unbelief — the spear.

5 'Twere you that pull'd the vengeance down
Upon his guiltless head:
Break, break, my heart — Oh, burst mine eyes,
And let my sorrows bleed!

6 Strike, mighty grace, my flinty soul,
Till melting waters flow;
And deep repentance drown mine eyes
In undissembled woe!

Text Information
First Line: Infinite grief, amazing woe
Title: Look on him when they pierced, and mourn
Language: English
Publication Date: 1787
Tune Information
(No tune information)

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