14371. Sound The Trumpet

1 Hark! the wail of heathen nations,
List! the cry comes back again,
With its solemn, sad reproaching,
With its sorrowful refrain.
"We are dying fast of hunger,
Starving for the Bread of Life!
Haste, O hasten ere we perish,
Send the messengers of life!"

Sound the trumpet! Wake God’s people,
Open, open, heart and hands!
And so surely His best blessings
Quickly shall o’erflow all lands.

2 "Send the Gospel faster, swifter,
Ye who dwell in Christian lands!
Care ye not that we are dying
More in numbers than the sands?
Heed ye not His words, your Master,
'Go ye forth to all the world?'
Sound the Gospel faster, faster
Let its banner be unfurled!" [Refrain]

3 Christian! can you sit in silence,
While this cry fills all the air,
Or content your soul with giving,
Merely what you well "can spare"?
For no gifts the Father craveth,
When He asks you for "His own."
Will you dole Him from your treasure,
A poor pittance for a loan? [Refrain]

Text Information
First Line: Hark! the wail of heathen nations
Title: Sound The Trumpet
Author: Maria A. West
Refrain First Line: Sound the trumpet! Wake God's people
Meter: 87.87.87 D
Language: English
Source: The Beacon Light, by John H. Tenney and Elisha A. Hoffman (Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1881)
Copyright: Public Domain
Tune Information
Composer: Henry Southwick Perkins (1881)
Meter: 87.87.87 D
Key: F Major or modal
Copyright: Public Domain

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