Odd topical lacunae

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It seems odd that there is not a single hymn tagged for Veterans Day. There are

68 Memorial Day hymns

23 Independence Day hymns

37 Labor Day hymns

324 Thanksgiving Day hymns

854 New Year hymns, some of them specifying Civil Year

10 Armistice Day hymns

4 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day hymns

tons of things that come up for May Day, though it's not clear if any of them are actually for May Day as distinct from May 1's Saints


but not a single hymn for Veterans Day, even though I know for a fact that many, perhaps most US churches pay at least passing attention to the occasion on the Sunday preceding or following, and some basically center their services around this holiday.


I'm a bit surprised that there are none for Valentine's Day, Mardi Gras, Groundhog's Day, Día de los muertos, Columbus Day, Boxing Day, Presidents Day, Guy Fawkes Day ...but not really concerned. But the zero hits on Veterans Day has me wondering how this can be.


The topics come directly from the hymnal topic indexes or the hymnal topic groupings. Apparently none of the hymnals we have indexed use "Veteran's Day" as a topic.