Browsing Elements of Worship in Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song

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ElementHymnFirst Line
Communion Songs#744Alleluia! Sing to Jesus! (¡Aleluya! Gloria a Cristo)
Communion Songs#748Eat this bread, drink this cup (Coman de este pan, beban de este cáliz)
Communion Songs#761As when the shepherd calls his sheep (La oveja sigue una voz)
Communion Songs#762Let us break bread together on our knees (De rodillas compartamos hoy el pan)
Communion Songs#769All who hunger, gather gladly (Los hambrientos, que se alegren)
Confession Songs#545Amazing grace! how sweet the sound (Sublime gracia del Señor)
Confession Songs#779"Forgive our sins as we forgive" (Nos enseñaste a perdonar)
Creedal Songs#175I believe in one God
Creedal Songs#733Baptized in water (Ya bautizados)
Gloria#255Gloria in excelsis Deo
Gloria#376Gloria, gloria, gloria (Glory, glory, glory)
Gospel Acclamation Songs#97Glory and praise to you (Honor y gloria a ti)
Gospel Acclamation Songs#104bGlory and praise to you (Honor y gloria a ti)
Gospel Acclamation Songs#109Glory and praise to you (Honor y gloria a ti)
Gospel Acclamation Songs#125bGlory and praise to you (Honor y gloria a ti)
Gospel Acclamation Songs#133bGlory and praise to you (Honor y gloria a ti)
Gospel Acclamation Songs#140bGlory and praise to you (Honor y gloria a ti)
Gospel Acclamation Songs#145bGlory and praise to you (Honor y gloria a ti)
Gospel Acclamation Songs#179Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ (Alabanza a ti, oh Cristo)
Gospel Acclamation Songs#204Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ (Alabanza a ti, oh Cristo)
