Browsing Elements of Worship in The Hymnal 1982: according to the use of the Episcopal Church

Select an element:

ElementHymnFirst Line
Kyrie#S89Kyrie eleison
Kyrie#S97Lord, have mercy
Kyrie#S87Kyrie eleison
Lord's Prayer#S119Our Father, who art in heaven
Lord's Prayer#S150Our Father in heaven
Lord's Prayer#S148As our Savior Christ has taught us, we now pray
Lord's Prayer#S149Our Father in heaven
Mass or Eucharist Texts#S148As our Savior Christ has taught us, we now pray
Mass or Eucharist Texts#S149Our Father in heaven
Mass or Eucharist Texts#S119Our Father, who art in heaven
Mass or Eucharist Texts#S150Our Father in heaven
Memorial Acclamation#S134Christ has died
Memorial Acclamation#S132Christ has died
Memorial Acclamation#S140We praise you, we bless you
Memorial Acclamation#S135Christ has died
Memorial Acclamation#S133Therefore we proclaim the mystery of faith
Memorial Acclamation#S141We praise you, we bless you
Memorial Acclamation#S139We praise you, we bless you
Offertory#705As those of old their first fruits brought
Opening Hymns#8Morning has broken
