Browsing topics in Wartburg Hymnal: for church, school and home

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Advent#77Arise, sons of the kingdom!
Advent#78O come, O come, Immanuel
Advent#79O that I had an angel's tongue
Advent#80O how shall I receive Thee
Advent#81Sing Hosanna! Blessed be He that cometh
Advent#82Sing Hosanna! Zion, sing!
Advent#85Zion's daughter, O rejoice!
Advent#86Once He came in blessing
Advent#87O Thou Redeemer of our race!
Advent#88Come,Thou Savior of our race
Ascension#187Draw us to Thee
Ascension#188Look ye saints! the sight is glorious!
Ascension#189Th' eternal gates lift up their heads
Baptism#238Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Childhood#239Firmly in my hand I hold
Childhood#240Savior, who Thy flock art feeding
Childhood#241There's a Friend for little children
Childhood#242Shepherd of tender youth
Childhood#243The truest Friend abides in heaven
Childhood#244There is a gentle Gard'ner
