Browsing topics in Trinity Hymnal (Rev. ed.)

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Union with Christ#415Baptized into your name most holy
Union with Christ#421Soul, adorn yourself with gladness
Union with Christ#526Blessed are the sons of God
Union with Christ#590Jesus, Master, whose I am
Union with Christ#623Dying with Jesus, by death reckoned mine
Union with Christ#709Jesus, my Lord, will love me forever
Unity of Believers#168I greet thee, who my sure Redeemer art
Unity of Believers#322O quickly come, dread Judge of all
Unity of Believers#356How beautiful the sight
Unity of Believers#526Blessed are the sons of God
Unity of Believers#720Happy the home when God is there
Unity of Believers#730May the grace of Christ our Savior
Voice of Jesus#304I heard the voice of Jesus say
Voice of Jesus#479Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling
Voice of Jesus#484I hear thy welcome voice
Voice of Jesus#533I am thine, O Lord, I have heard thy voice
Vows#9All you that fear Jehovah's name
Vows#66God is known among his people
Vows#415Baptized into your name most holy
Vows#637What shall I render to my God
