Browsing topics in Singing the Living Tradition

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Friendship#307The human touch can light the flame
Friendship#317We are not our own. Earth forms us
Friendship#346Come, sing a song with me
Gay and Lesbian Pride Day#130O liberating Rose
Gay and Lesbian Pride Day#138These things shall be: a loftier race
Gay and Lesbian Pride Day#170We are a gentle, angry people
Gay and Lesbian Pride Day#295Sing out praises for the journey
Gay and Lesbian Pride Day#323Break not the circle of enabling love
God, Goddess, and Spirit#2Down the ages we have trod
God, Goddess, and Spirit#8Mother Spirit, Father Spirit
God, Goddess, and Spirit#11O God of stars and sunlight
God, Goddess, and Spirit#20Be thou my vision, O God of my heart
God, Goddess, and Spirit#22Dear weaver of our lives' design
God, Goddess, and Spirit#23Bring many names, beautiful and good
God, Goddess, and Spirit#25God of the earth, the sky, the sea
God, Goddess, and Spirit#26Holy, holy, holy, author of creation!
God, Goddess, and Spirit#29Joyful, joyful, we adore thee
God, Goddess, and Spirit#31Beautifully moving, ceaselessly forming
God, Goddess, and Spirit#32Now thank we all our God
God, Goddess, and Spirit#33Sovereign and transforming Grace
