Browsing topics in Singing the Living Tradition

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Earth#3The world stands out on either side
Earth#21For the beauty of the earth
Earth#43The morning, noiseless, flings its gold
Earth#44We sing of golden mornings
Earth#74On the dusty earth drum
Earth#75The harp at Nature's advent strung
Earth#81The wordless mountains bravely still
Earth#82This land of bursting sunrise
Earth#91Mother of all, in every age
Earth#155Circle 'round for freedom
Earth#163For the earth forever turning
Earth#175We celebrate the web of life
Earth#203All creatures of the earth and sky
Earth#207Earth was given as a garden
Earth#301Touch the earth, reach the sky!
Earth#309Earth is our homeland: a song of stars, a grace
Earth#310The earth is home and all abundant
Earth#317We are not our own. Earth forms us
Easter#61Lo, the earth awakes again Alleluia!
Easter#62When the daffodils arrive
