Browsing topics in Songs of Light: the Bruderhof Songbook

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Comfort#305All poor men and humble
Comfort#307To us in Bethl'em city Was born a little Son
Courage#2Sometimes I feel discouraged
Courage#17God of grace and God of glory
Courage#23Move in our midst, Thou Spirit of God
Courage#46Soul, strength, and courage kindling
Courage#47Fire, consume
Courage#53Come, Thou bright and morning Star
Courage#110A mighty Fortress is our God
Courage#112Yield now, sin; yield, death and curse!
Courage#113Fight the good fight with all thy might
Courage#114Give us courage, Lord, and clearness
Courage#125Now when our brothers prepare for battle (Wenn meine Brüder zum Kampf sich rüsten)
Courage#127Life is like a pilgrim's journey
Courage#130Long, long enough have Christian men
Courage#144On, ever on, through thick and thin (Nur immer fort durch Dick und Dünne)
Courage#147I send you out! Go as I went before you
Courage#169Be not afraid, for naught will hurt you (Warum wollt ihr noch Sorge hegen?)
Courage#172Thou art the burning first love (Du bist die erste Liebe)
Courage#175We gather for the holy fight (Wir scharen uns zum heil'gen Streit)
