Browsing topics in RitualSong (2nd ed.)

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Advent#492O come, O come, Emmanuel
Advent#493Come, O long-expected Jesus
Advent#494Prepare the way, the way of the Lord
Advent#495Creator of the stars of night (Creator alme siderum)
Advent#497Comfort, comfort, O my people
Advent#498Savior of the nations, come
Advent#500O come, Divine Messiah
Advent#501People, look East. The time is near
Advent#503On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry
Advent#504The King shall come when morning dawns
Advent#505Now the heavens start to whisper
Advent#506Like a bird that spreads her wings to gather in her young
Advent#507Prepare the way of the Lord
Advent#508Come to us, O Son of God!
Advent#509You are Wisdom, from the mouth of God
Advent#512Wake, O wake, and sleep no longer
Advent#513Do not be angry with us, Lord; do not remember our iniquities
Advent#514When a star is shining
Advent#515Lo, how a Rose e'er blooming
Advent#516Word of mercy, word of justice (Come, O Wisdom, breathe within us)
