Browsing topics in Psalms and Hymns, for the Use of the German Reformed Church, in the United States of America. (2nd ed.)

Select a topic:

TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Lord's Day#344Return, my soul, enjoy thy rest
Lord's Day#345Come dearest Lord, and feed thy sheep
Lord's Day#346Welcome, sweet day of rest
Lord's Day#347Frequent the day of God returns
Lord's Day#348Thine earthly Sabbaths, Lord, we love
Lord's Day#349Thy presence, gracious God, afford,
Lord's Day#350Come, O thou all victorious Lord
Lord's Day#351Almighty Father, bless the word
Lord's Day#352Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing
Lord's Supper#245Twas on that dark, that doleful night
Lord's Supper#246To Jesus our exalted Lord
Lord's Supper#247What strange perplexities arise
Lord's Supper#248Eternal King, enthroned above
Lord's Supper#249The broken bread, the blessed cup
Lord's Supper#250Ye wretched, hungry, starving poor
Lord's Supper#251The king of heaven his table spreads
Lord's Supper#252Jesus invites his saints
Lord's Supper#253How condescending, and how kind
Lord's Supper#254Here at thy table, Lord, we meet to feed
Lord's Supper#255How rich are thy provisions, Lord
