Browsing topics in One in Faith

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Eucharist#537Behold the Lamb of God
Eucharist#538As long as we are God's people
Eucharist#539Father, we thank thee who hast planted
Eucharist#540As when the shepherd calls his sheep
Eucharist#541Jesus tells his disciples
Eucharist#542I am the food that the world cannot give
Eucharist#543The love of God shines in his face
Eucharist#544Jesus said: I am the Bread
Eucharist#545Thankfully, here we bring
Eucharist#546O God, my God, for you I long
Eucharist#547Jesus, hope for all
Eucharist#548In the walking on the road, we saw him
Eucharist#549I am the bread which comes from heaven
Eucharist#550Let all mortal flesh keep silence
Eucharist#551Let the hungry come to me
Eucharist#552Taste of this goodness! and feast at this banquet
Eucharist#553O Lord, our God, the source of love
Eucharist#554Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless
Eucharist#555Gentile or Jew
Eucharist#556Love is his word, love is his way
