Browsing topics in In Every Corner Sing: songs of God's world

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Scriptural Songs#59Yo soy la luz del mundo (I am the world's true light)
Scriptural Songs#60Jesus the Lord said: I am the Bread
Sending Out#76Bwana awabariki (May God give you his blessing)
Sending Out#77Na Jijoho, jijoho ni tin (Peace be with you. Peace be with you)
Sending Out#78May the peace of God the Father
Sending Out#79Night has fallen
Sending Out#80Now go in peace, now go in love
Sending Out#81Sent by the Lord am I
Sending Out#82Sizohamba naye (We are on the Lord's road)
Sending Out#83The peace of the earth be with you
Sending Out#84Vai com Deus! (Go with God!)
Short Chants and Liturgical Responses#28Alleluia, alleluia
Short Chants and Liturgical Responses#29Alleluia, alleluia
Short Chants and Liturgical Responses#30Alleluia, alleluia
Short Chants and Liturgical Responses#31Amen, amen, amen. Amen, amen, amen.
Short Chants and Liturgical Responses#32Glory to God, glory to God, glory in the highest
Short Chants and Liturgical Responses#33Gloria, gloria, gloria (Glory, Glory, glory)
Short Chants and Liturgical Responses#34Halle, halle, hallelujah!
Short Chants and Liturgical Responses#35Halle, hallelujah
Short Chants and Liturgical Responses#36Halleluja, halleluja, halleluja
