Browsing topics in Gloria Deo: a Collection of Hymns and Tunes for Public Worship in all Departments of the Church

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
WorshipBeginning of#511Early, my God, without delay
WorshipClose of #11O come, loud anthems let us sing
WorshipClose of #16Saviour, again to Thy dear name we raise
WorshipClose of #17Dismiss us with Thy blessing, Lord
WorshipClose of #18Saviour, now the day is ending
WorshipClose of #19Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go
WorshipClose of #20The day is spent, and evening shadows fall
WorshipClose of #24The Lord be with us as we bend
WorshipClose of #25God shall charge His angel-legions
WorshipClose of #26Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dear
WorshipClose of #27Lord, at this closing hour
WorshipClose of #28Now, when the dusky shades of night retreating
WorshipClose of #498Another happy hour has passed
WorshipClose of #606The Lord be with us, as we bend
YearOpening and Closing#577Standing at the portal Of the opening year
YearOpening and Closing#578Break, new-born year, on glad eyes break!
YearOpening and Closing#579Come, let us anew our journey pursue
YearOpening and Closing#585While with ceaseless course the sun
Young People#520How shall the young secure their hearts
Young People#625Suppliant, lo! Thy children bend
