Browsing topics in A Collection of Psalms and Hymns for Publick Worship

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Instructive Psalms#P.XXXIVConsider that the righteous man
Instructive Psalms#P.XXXIIIHow blest is he, who ne'er consents
Life, Death and a future StateThe Frailty and Shortness of Life#CXXXVLord, what a feeble piece
Life, Death and a future StateThe Frailty of human Life#CXXXIVLo what a feeble frame is ours!
Life, Death and a future StateThe Prospect of Heaven a Support in Death#CXLVThere is a land of pure delight
Life, Death and the future StateDeath the Lot of all Mankind#CXXXIXDeath calls our friends, our neighbors, hence
Life, Death, and a future State#CXLIVNow let our souls, on wings sublime
Life, Death, and a future StateComfort in Sickness and Death#CXLIIWhen sickness shakes the languid frame
Life, Death, and a future StateGod our Guardian in Life and Death#CXLIThy everlasting truth
Life, Death, and a future StateIt is appointed unto all Men once to die#CXXXVIIIBehold the path which mortals tread
Life, Death, and a future StateRedeeming the Time#CXXXVIIGod of eternity, from thee
Life, Death, and a future StateSo teach us to number our Days, that we may apply our Hearts unto Wisdom#CXXXVITo-morrow, Lord, is thine
Life, Death, and a future StateThe Hope of future Blessedness#CXLIIICome, ye who love the Lord
Life, Death, and a future StateThe Shortness of human Life#CXXXIIIFrail is the state of mortal man
Life, Death, and a future StatesMortality#CXLSov'reign of life! before thine eye
Mission of Christ and the SpiritGod is Light#CLVIFountain of uncreated light
Mission of Christ and the SpiritMission of Christ#CLIIIHark the glad sound, the Saviour comes!
Mission of Christ and the SpiritThe Divine Influence implored#CLVFather of everlasting love
New Year's Day#CLVIIIGreat God! we sing that mighty hand
New Years' Day#CLVIIGod of our life! thy constant care
