Browsing topics in Church Hymnary (4th ed.)

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Beauty#193aGod is love: his the care
Beauty#193bGod is love: his the care
Beauty#201Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
Beauty#485Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Beauty#494Spirit of God, in all that's true I know you
Beauty#497Almighty Father of all things that be
Blessings#208The love of God be with you
Blessings#785May God bless you
Blessings#786May the God of peace go with us
Blessings#787May the Lord, mighty God
Blessings#789Now go in peace
Blessings#796The Lord bless you and keep you
Blessings#798The peace of the earth be with you
Care of Creation#238Lord, bring the day to pass
Care of Creation#239When your Father made the world
Care of Creation#240God in such love for us lent us this planet
Care of Creation#241Isaiah the prophet has written of old
Care of Creation#242Is this the way you made the world
Care of Creation#243Touch the earth lightly
Care of Creation#244Where are the voices for the earth?
