Browsing topics in Come Away with Me

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Babel and Pentecost experiences #6When the world is babbling 'round us,
BaptismSymbols of, meaning of#2Spirit, falling like a dove
ChildrenChrist among the children whose needs are ignored today#11As Rachel mourned her children
ChildrenConcern for needs of#8Your Spirit, God, moves us to pray
ChildrenFaith model for adults#7The people came from everywhere
ChildrenPrayer for awareness of needs of children today#11As Rachel mourned her children
Christian CommunityRole as teachers following Jesus' model#15When people learned of Jesus Christ
ConflictsHealing of#1When quiet peace is shattered
Death and ResurrectionResponses to#14When it seemed that Love was dying,
FriendDiscipleship as friendship#4Emmanuel, who walked among us here,
GodHealing power of#1When quiet peace is shattered
GodSilence of#1When quiet peace is shattered
Jesusand Children#7The people came from everywhere
Jesusas Master Teacher and role model#15When people learned of Jesus Christ
JesusBurial and Resurrection#14When it seemed that Love was dying,
JesusCelebrating Jesus through the liturgical year, not just at Christmas#10Spirit-child Jesus in joyful refrain,
JesusJesus' role as Friend, Teacher, Healer, Savior, Risen Lord#4Emmanuel, who walked among us here,
JesusMinistry of preachingm teaching, healing, and miraculous acts#15When people learned of Jesus Christ
JesusQuiet places where Jesus prayed#16Come away with me to a quiet place,
Joseph of ArimatheaBurial of Jesus#14When it seemed that Love was dying,
