Browsing topics in Bible Songs: consisting of selections from the psalms, set to music, suitable for Sabbath Schools, Prayer Meetings, etc.

Select a topic:

TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Let God be Exalted#65Be thou exalted very high above
Let us Praise God#99O come and let us sing to God
Love for God's House#33One thing I seek through grace
Love for the Bible#124O how I love thy law, it is my study
Oh! for the Water of Life#68Thou art my God, O God most high
Our All-Sufficient Help#133Our sure and all sufficient help
Our Rock and Fortress#35Defend me, Lord, from shame
Pardon and Peace#38How blest the man whose trespass
Praise for Mercy and Faithfulness#121Praise Jehovah, all ye nations
Praise God for His Kindness#46Blest he who wisely helps the poor
Praise God for His Kindness#138Praise God for he is kind
Prayer Answered#32O Lord, to thee I cry, Thou art my rock and trust
Prayer for a Revival#126O let my earnest prayer and cry
Prayer for Salvation#63Save by thy name, O Lord,
Prayer nad Thanksgiving#13How long wilt thou forget me
Protection Desired#148O praise ye the Lord
PurityMarks of#30Examine me, and do me prove
PurityNecessary to Savlatyion#15O Jehovah, who shall dwell
PurityThe Way to#123By what means shall a young man learn
Religious Expericnce#69All that fear God, come, hear
